Author Topic: 26 Dems In House Sit-In Were Gun Owners  (Read 440 times)

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Offline Sanguine

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26 Dems In House Sit-In Were Gun Owners
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:53:00 am »
Cynicism isn't dead:

Make no mistake, the inexorable growth of government, always-more intrusive regulation and the ever-increasing horde of unaccountable bureaucrats has begun to result in blowback from the citizenry. For proof, you only need to look at the unlikely rise of a candidate like Donald Trump and the result of yesterday’s Brexit vote in the U.K. The latest example of government elites displaying a naked double standard — because remember, they know how you should live your life better than you do: the fact that the House hissy fit thrown by Dems unhappy with their inability to further restrict their constituents’ gun rights included 26 gun owners.

As reports:

    The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.

Is your rep on the list?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 12:53:39 am by Sanguine »