Author Topic: If Hillary Clinton Implodes, Democrats May Turn to Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren  (Read 503 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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by: John Fund


Smart Democrats began dusting off copies of their Plan B for the 2016 fall campaign this week. They were prompted by a devastating report from Department of Justice inspector general, who found that “significant security risks” were raised by Hillary Clinton’s decision to use a private e-mail server at the State Department.

Democrats know that an FBI report, potentially even more damaging, may be leaked in the coming weeks. Even if Hillary faces no criminal liability, she could find the number of Americans who view her as honest and trustworthy dropping below Donald Trump’s numbers.

Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein, who helped break open the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, told CNN:

    Hillary Clinton did not want her e-mails subjected to the Freedom of Information Act or subpoenas from Congress, and that’s why she set up a home-brew server. I think we all know that. People around her will tell you that in private if you really get them behind a closed door.

    I spoke to a number of top Democratic officials, and they’re terrified, including people at the White House, that her campaign is in freefall because of this distrust factor. And, indeed, Trump has a similar problem. But she’s the one whose numbers are going south.

“Trump lies about his businesses and changes with the wind,” one former Democratic senator told me. “But if Hillary is found to have compromised national security, that will be viewed as more relevant to the job of president.”

Democrats will carefully watch the polls in the next few weeks. If Hillary stays slightly ahead of Trump or is competitive, she will become the Democratic nominee at the Philadelphia convention. But if her numbers slide, watch for super-delegates now in her camp to consider the possibility of substituting Vice President Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate — with the possible addition of Senator Elizabeth Warren as his running mate, as political balm for the party’s not nominating a woman for president.

Everyone knows that the election is in the hands of independent voters, who are about 40 per cent of the electorate. In the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, 59 percent per cent of independents said that their view of Clinton was unfavorable, and 67 percent said that she was “not honest and trustworthy.”

Even liberals appear close to the end of their patience with the Clintons. The Washington Post editorial board said that the findings of the State Department report demonstrate “Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules.” During an MSNBC panel this Thursday, the comments were scathing as panelists ripped Hillary’s refusal to be interviewed by the inspector general and lambasted her obvious lie that her private e-mail practices were allowed by the State Department. “Trump now has ten new words for her: Incompetent Hillary, Dangerous Hillary,” former advertising brand executive Donny Deutsch said in exasperation. “I don’t know how to move the untrustworthy needle” on her, he concluded.

Mike Barnacle of MSNBC said that the report “adds to the weight of voter exhaustion when it comes to the Clintons.” Al Hunt of Bloomberg News noted that the report’s depiction of Hillary’s State Department aides as enablers for her behavior “raises questions about who she surrounds herself with.” A partial answer is that she hires people who are at least as good at stonewalling investigations as Richard Nixon ever was. Only five of the 26 current and former Clinton aides whom the inspector general sought to interview agreed to cooperate.

Clinton herself refused to be interviewed, despite having claimed on CBS’s Face the Nation as recently as May 8 that she was “more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime” about her e-mail situation. Brian Fallon, the spokesman for the Clinton campaign, preposterously tried to justify the refusal by pointing to her willingness to be interviewed by the FBI for its probe. He also tried to disparage the neutrality of the inspector general’s office by saying that there were “open questions” about the “appropriateness” of its review. He told Wolf Blitzer of CNN that “there were reports about individuals in this office coming forward and suggesting there were hints of . . . anti-Clinton bias inside that office.” When pressed for specifics, he failed to provide any.

One reason may be that the last thing Hillary Clinton really wants to talk about is how the office of the inspector general functioned during her four-year tenure at State. Astonishingly, the department had no permanent inspector general during that period, the office being filled by an acting inspector, Harold Geisel. He had been an ambassador appointed by President Bill Clinton and also had close ties to the State Department’s leadership. Those ties would have barred him from seeking the job of permanent inspector general. “It’s a convenient way to prevent oversight,” says Michael Harris, a University of Maryland professor who is an expert on the role of inspectors general in government. Acting inspectors general are “in a position where they could be removed at any moment.”

Geisel isn’t responding to calls from reporters, but the last permanent inspector general before him is. Howard Krongard served as the inspector general for State from 2005 to 2008. He told the New York Post that “it’s clear” that Hillary Clinton “did not want to be subject to internal investigations.” He believes that her actions in seeking to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests and the requirements of the Federal Records Act were clearly premeditated and intentional. That is significant because, as my NRO colleague Andrew C. McCarthy points out, violating those rules is an actual violation of federal law.

Krongard doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton is in danger of indictment from an Obama Justice Department. He believes that, even if the Justice Department were to pursue a criminal referral on the matter from the FBI, it would be plea-bargained down to a misdemeanor similar to the one that former CIA David Petraeus secured when he was found to have compromised classified information. Hillary Clinton aides have privately told allies they believe she could survive even that development if it was accompanied by a “heartfelt” apology.

Even if Hillary Clinton is capable of such a move, the FBI report into her e-mail scandal could spook Democratic delegates if the negative publicity generated by it damaged her poll numbers. And that could be a devastating political blow for Clinton. Unlike Republican delegates, who are “bound” to vote for the winner of their state’s primary or caucus on the first ballot, Democratic delegates are only “pledged” to support the winner. And they are only pledged to vote for a candidate if they can do so “in good conscience.” One Democratic super-delegate I spoke with joked that the political definition of that phrase is “can they win in November.”

If Democratic delegates decide that Hillary is too much of a political liability to nominate, don’t expect them to turn to Bernie Sanders. Despite polls showing him with a bigger lead over Trump than Hillary has, few prominent Democrats believe that Sanders could survive sustained attacks on his record as a self-proclaimed “socialist.”

That’s where Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren would come in. Biden would be sold as a steady hand who would energize President Obama’s supporters, and Warren would be pitched to delegates as someone who could keep Sanders progressives on board. “The implication would be that, at age 74, Biden might serve only one term and Warren would be a natural successor,’ a former Democratic congressman told me.

Senior Clinton adviser Joel Berenson insists that the American people have no interest in what he calls the “gray area” of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail situation. Senator Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.), who is a staunch Hillaryite, told MSNBC that voters will think that she merely made “a mistake trying to protect her privacy.” But that’s not what smart Democrats are privately saying. They know that the inspector general’s report is a preview of coming revelations in the upcoming FBI report, and they are laying the groundwork to implement Plan B if they think it will be necessary.

— John Fund is NRO’s national-affairs correspondent.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 01:44:17 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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If Democratic delegates decide that Hillary is too much of a political liability to nominate, don’t expect them to turn to Bernie Sanders. ”

This is an important unknown.  That it's being talked about in print and on air means the DNC is getting ready for a candidate switch.

Biden seems to be on the top of the list.  Thoughts on the likelihood this will happen and its effect on the race???

(Note to #NeverTrumps--please just tell us who you think the DNC would select that you'll not be helping win the election.  Thx.)

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 04:19:21 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline sinkspur

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This is an important unknown.  That it's being talked about in print and on air means the DNC is getting ready for a candidate switch.

Biden seems to be on the top of the list.  Thoughts on the likelihood this will happen and its effect on the race???

(Note to #NeverTrumps--please just tell us who you think the DNC would select that you'll not be helping win the election.  Thx.)

#NeverTrump is not about what the Democrats do.  It really doesn't matter.

It's about Never Trump.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Mechanicos

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#NeverTrump is not about what the Democrats do.  It really doesn't matter.

It's about Never Trump.
#neverTrump is now a Democrat operation. It has no Conservative leadership, no Conservative funding and its propaganda is all left wing or paid to oppose Trump hit pieces.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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#neverTrump is now a Democrat operation. It has no Conservative leadership, no Conservative funding and its propaganda is all left wing or paid to oppose Trump hit pieces.

Yup.  They're now unpaid Democrat tools.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 04:37:09 pm by Right_in_Virginia »


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#neverTrump is now a Democrat operation. It has no Conservative leadership, no Conservative funding and its propaganda is all left wing or paid to oppose Trump hit pieces.

In your fantasies.  It's a shame you can no longer recognize principles for what they are. 

Offline Mechanicos

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In your fantasies.  It's a shame you can no longer recognize principles for what they are.
Principles? What Principles? Need only look at the goal and who it benefits from its actions to see there are no Principles or Morals underpinning #neverTrump now. Its all about helping the Democrats. That's who is leading it now.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline sinkspur

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Principles? What Principles? Need only look at the goal and who it benefits from its actions to see there are no Principles or Morals underpinning #neverTrump now. Its all about helping the Democrats. That's who is leading it now.

You seem to have no awareness that your candidate is so reprehensible in character, judgement, and temperament that conservatives who have voted for their entire lives will refrain from giving him their vote.

We can live with a bad president.  We can't live with a crazy president.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Principles? What Principles? Need only look at the goal and who it benefits from its actions to see there are no Principles or Morals underpinning #neverTrump now. Its all about helping the Democrats. That's who is leading it now.

Baloney.  Principles, like guilt, are personal, not collective.  Stop pulling the collective guilt trip; it's hackneyed even when liberals do it.

What you contumaciously refuse to deal with is that, as relic has realized, at bottom we have a difference of opinion over whether Trump will, or will not, be like Clinton in the areas where it matters.  I don't know where your view comes from, but I know where mine does:  from living 13 years in NYC, on Manhattan, and observing Trump and his ilk, like ex-mayor Bloomberg.  The only real differences between the two is the orange hair and the particular industry in which they made their billions.  Both are billionaire NYC businessmen who sprinkled political donations amongst both parties as it served them, and who both were Johnny come latelys to the GOP, having registered just before running.  They also hang out with the same social crowds.

Bloomberg signed up with the GOP because the NYC DNC nominated by seniority and because the NYC GOP was so desperate after Giuliani they would have nominated a ham sandwich if it had an 'R' on it in ketchup.  I have no doubt Trump did the same thing. 

Bloomberg turned out to be not only liberal, but a nanny state authoritarian liberal.  There are so many similarities between him and Trump that I have no doubt Trump will end up being just as liberal, notwithstanding all his pretty words; Bloomberg talked a pretty game, too, but we still got a liberal.

And there are any number of successful entrepreneurs and business people who turn out to be raving liberals, like Tom Steyer (hedge fund manager) and the founders of (built a successful software company they sold for millions).

All of which means that the mere fact that someone has been a cut throat privateer in the business world is utterly irrelevant to determining what that person's political views are.  Thus, the fact that Trump is a successful billionaire real estate developer is absolutely no guarantee - in fact is irrelevant - to whether Trump will be liberal or not if he becomes president.

I won't vote for a liberal liar; that is one of my principles.  My considered view on Trump, based on his past and his socio-economic-political milieu is that he will turn out to be politically liberal, and he has already demonstrated a propensity for lying.  Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump based on my principles.

You are welcome to disagree.  You should spell out your basis for your conclusions in some detail, however. 

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Baloney.  Principles, like guilt, are personal, not collective.  Stop pulling the collective guilt trip; it's hackneyed even when liberals do it.

Defensive much?   :pondering:

Offline Mechanicos

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Baloney.  Principles, like guilt, are personal, not collective.  Stop pulling the collective guilt trip; it's hackneyed even when liberals do it.

What you contumaciously refuse to deal with is that, as relic has realized, at bottom we have a difference of opinion over whether Trump will, or will not, be like Clinton in the areas where it matters.  I don't know where your view comes from, but I know where mine does:  from living 13 years in NYC, on Manhattan, and observing Trump and his ilk, like ex-mayor Bloomberg.  The only real differences between the two is the orange hair and the particular industry in which they made their billions.  Both are billionaire NYC businessmen who sprinkled political donations amongst both parties as it served them, and who both were Johnny come latelys to the GOP, having registered just before running.  They also hang out with the same social crowds.

Bloomberg signed up with the GOP because the NYC DNC nominated by seniority and because the NYC GOP was so desperate after Giuliani they would have nominated a ham sandwich if it had an 'R' on it in ketchup.  I have no doubt Trump did the same thing. 

Bloomberg turned out to be not only liberal, but a nanny state authoritarian liberal.  There are so many similarities between him and Trump that I have no doubt Trump will end up being just as liberal, notwithstanding all his pretty words; Bloomberg talked a pretty game, too, but we still got a liberal.

And there are any number of successful entrepreneurs and business people who turn out to be raving liberals, like Tom Steyer (hedge fund manager) and the founders of (built a successful software company they sold for millions).

All of which means that the mere fact that someone has been a cut throat privateer in the business world is utterly irrelevant to determining what that person's political views are.  Thus, the fact that Trump is a successful billionaire real estate developer is absolutely no guarantee - in fact is irrelevant - to whether Trump will be liberal or not if he becomes president.

I won't vote for a liberal liar; that is one of my principles.  My considered view on Trump, based on his past and his socio-economic-political milieu is that he will turn out to be politically liberal, and he has already demonstrated a propensity for lying.  Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump based on my principles.

You are welcome to disagree.  You should spell out your basis for your conclusions in some detail, however.
Withholding a vote it one thing. Actively publicly attacking the Republican Nominee, searching out Democrat articles attacking the republican nominee, searching out and posting democrat propaganda articles on the economy etc are activism for the benefit of the Democrat candidate and is something else entirely.  The latter is intended to suppress Republican voter turn out and help elect the Democrat. That's what makes the latter a democrat operation. The latter is not run by conservatives anymore it is run by Democrats. And it has no principles underpinning it other then to help the Democrat win.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

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#neverTrump is now a Democrat operation. It has no Conservative leadership, no Conservative funding and its propaganda is all left wing or paid to oppose Trump hit pieces.

I agree with that. I believe that the NeverTrump people have taken a moral stand, and that they believe they are acting according to their conscience.

However, it is clear that the DNC and the Hillary camp are overjoyed with the NeverTrump movement, and they are doing everything in their power to fund, cheer, and foment, it.

I do not believe that 'the majority' of NeverTrump people are Democrat operatives (no doubt many of them are), but I do believe that the NeverTrump crowd is working toward the same goal as the DNC and Hillary are. Whether they admit it or not, whether they 'want to' or not, and whether they even know it or not, the NeverTrump people are directly or indirectly working for the Democrats and Hillary campaign.

That is simply the objective, indisputable, fact of the matter. Eggshell theory in Law says that the reason a person does a thing does not outweigh the result of the action. They are still responsible if an injurious outcome results from them attempting to "do the right thing".
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Withholding a vote it one thing. Actively publicly attacking the Republican Nominee, searching out Democrat articles attacking the republican nominee, searching out and posting democrat propaganda articles on the economy etc are activism for the benefit of the Democrat candidate and is something else entirely.

 :thumbsup2:   :thumbsup2:   :thumbsup2:

Offline Mechanicos

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I agree with that. I believe that the NeverTrump people have taken a moral stand, and that they believe they are acting according to their conscience.

However, it is clear that the DNC and the Hillary camp are overjoyed with the NeverTrump movement, and they are doing everything in their power to fund, cheer, and foment, it.

I do not believe that 'the majority' of NeverTrump people are Democrat operatives (no doubt many of them are), but I do believe that the NeverTrump crowd is working toward the same goal as the DNC and Hillary are. Whether they admit it or not, whether they 'want to' or not, and whether they even know it or not, the NeverTrump people are directly or indirectly working for the Democrats and Hillary campaign.

That is simply the objective, indisputable, fact of the matter. Eggshell theory in Law says that the reason a person does a thing does not outweigh the result of the action. They are still responsible if an injurious outcome results from them attempting to "do the right thing".
I agree. I do not believe most of the posters regurgitating #neverTrump talking points are Democrats and they are good and generally moral people whom, for the most part, are being used by Democrats for democrat purposes. There are however a small number who are indistinguishable from the known Liberals I know who argue the same liberal talking points/arguments on IRC using the same mannerisms/style.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17