Author Topic: Mark Zuckerberg: Let’s Talk about Liberal Crimes Against Humanity  (Read 141 times)

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May 24, 2016
Mark Zuckerberg: Let’s Talk about Liberal Crimes Against Humanity
By Christopher Chantrill

Last week a bunch of conservatives got to air their gripes to programming prodigy and liberal Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. A lot of good it will do them, because culturally, Zuckerberg knows what is good for him, and that is making the proper offerings to the liberal gods. And the proper contributions to the liberal collection plate.

Anyway, why would he doubt his liberal Jewish upbringing? Knowledge begins with a problem, according to F.S.C. Northrop, and I doubt if Mark has run into a problem yet that would prompt him to doubt his liberalism.

But we conservatives do see a problem with liberalism, and that problem has had real world injustices about which liberals are in denial. So it comes to us to educate our liberal friends like Mark Zuckerberg about the growing list of problems that have now metastasized into liberal crimes against humanity.

The Crime against the Working Class. In 1848, when the poor stopped starving on the land and started to thrive, barely, in the city, people were outraged. And so they set out to help the working class with social insurance and pro-union legislation and wage-and-hour laws. For a while it all worked great.

But after the 1960s, the music stopped for the U.S. working class as unionized corporations started to go broke, and liberals in America decided that the workers were racist, sexist bigots. Today the white working class is dying of despair.

You might think, maybe, the working class would have done better working out its own salvation without elite liberals and intellectuals telling them what to think and do. That’s what Samuel Gompers thought, anyway.

Liberal class politics is a crime against humanity.

The Crime Against African Americans. It is the great glory of liberals that in the 1950s and 1960s they pushed civil rights for African Americans and ended the shameful century of Jim Crow. But then they decided that formal rights weren’t enough. What good is the right to vote and to work if you can’t eat and you can’t find work?

So we got 50 years of quotas and Affirmative Action and diversity that successfully divided African Americans from the rest of America. So African Americans didn’t move out of their racial ghetto into the mainstream of American life.

But liberals have reaped a huge electoral harvest with their race politics, getting 90 percent of the black vote in the D column.

Liberal race politics is a crime against humanity.

The Crime Against the Family. Fifty years of liberal feminism has given us women less happy than women in the 50s, and today’s young college women are demanding safe spaces. Meanwhile, according to Charles Murray, in the lower 30 percent of White America the men don’t work and the women don’t marry. That doesn’t work out so well for the kids, who, I presume, are the point of it all.

Meanwhile our upper 20 percent is amusing itself with sexual creativity, LGBT-wise, and demanding that the lower orders approve.

Liberal gender politics is a crime against humanity.

The Crime Against Education. Governments have always been interested in education. The French wanted to make secularist rationalists out of the kids; the Germans wanted to educate kids that could beat up the French, and the Bostonians wanted government schools to cure the Irish of their Catholicism. And by 1900, governments wanted schools to turn children into conformable Kates that would work submissively under factory discipline.

Today our liberal elite uses the schools to turn out cannon fodder for their “activism” culture, which sets black against white, rich against poor, and conservative against liberal in an endless peaceful protest of all against all.

Liberal education policy is a crime against humanity.

The Crime Against the Economy. Back in 1848 the jury was still out on what capitalism, that Deirdre McCloskey in the Wall Street Journal calls “economic betterment, tested in trade,” would mean to the human race. So there was an excuse for expert government intervention that would eliminate the boom and bust of unregulated capitalism. But now we know government experts know bupkis, that capitalism means letting some kid like Mark Zuckerberg “have a go” with his crazy idea for Facebook or it means nothing, and that government always runs out of other peoples’ money.

The science is settled. Well, it would be if liberals weren’t in denial. Government should stop interfering in the economy, because it always ends up helping established interests, at best, and causing financial crashes (1873, 1929, 2008) that hurts the poor, at worst.

I’m sure that today’s Mark Zuckerberg thinks that the ideas above are all racist, sexist, homophobic right-wing extremism. And he should, given that another smart Jewish kid, Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug, just got into trouble for actually reading a book unsupervised and writing about it without permission.

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