Author Topic: GOP Leaders Surrender To Trump  (Read 2955 times)

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Re: GOP Leaders Surrender To Trump
« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2016, 02:44:35 pm »
Is such really necessary in advancing a discussion of Trump's many shortcomings? The owners here have made it clear that they prefer we be careful with the Nazi material. (I happen to think that well thought historical references to parallel conditions and action and words should be allowed. After all, humanity has experienced that)

But the Anti-Christ is yet to come. So, maybe we could leave that out?

One newbie to another, just thinking out loud.


I don't get into the "Trump is the Anti Christ/Hitler" debates. The issue is his unquestioning followers. If elected, Trump will be another big government republican. The type of republican us limited government conservatives have fought to eliminate from the party. And his unquestioning followers will support everything he does because they are too committed to him at this point.

The perfect example of this is the nonsense posted here how expanding the number of people on Medicare is a "cost containment strategy...LOL!!! :silly:

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Offline wolfcreek

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Re: GOP Leaders Surrender To Trump
« Reply #51 on: May 18, 2016, 04:36:52 pm »
The weasel RINOs are lined up behind Trump because they are too sheepish to stand on convictions. To them its just follow the piper into the sewer.

Jeff Sessions??   

No, the RINOS are against Trump.

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Re: GOP Leaders Surrender To Trump
« Reply #52 on: May 18, 2016, 04:41:36 pm »

I don't get into the "Trump is the Anti Christ/Hitler" debates. The issue is his unquestioning followers. If elected, Trump will be another big government republican. The type of republican us limited government conservatives have fought to eliminate from the party. And his unquestioning followers will support everything he does because they are too committed to him at this point.

The perfect example of this is the nonsense posted here how expanding the number of people on Medicare is a "cost containment strategy...LOL!!! :silly:

Who was the last POTUS who wasn't a big spender? It's more about where it's targeted.

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Re: GOP Leaders Surrender To Trump
« Reply #53 on: May 18, 2016, 06:19:01 pm »
Is such really necessary in advancing a discussion of Trump's many shortcomings? The owners here have made it clear that they prefer we be careful with the Nazi material. (I happen to think that well thought historical references to parallel conditions and action and words should be allowed. After all, humanity has experienced that)

But the Anti-Christ is yet to come. So, maybe we could leave that out?

One newbie to another, just thinking out loud.
stumpy is a great deciever.  Thus, he is an anti-christ.  As is obama.   Obama doesn't appear to be the Anti-Christ, but he is an anti-christ.  Will stumpy turn out to be the Anti-Christ, the big one?  I don't know.  For that to happen, he would have to win a significant majority vote for the presidency,  and then garner accolades world-wide.  Then he would be The Great Deciever.

Will that happen?  I don't know.  The trumpets tell me he's going to win our election in a landslide.  He will have completed a journey from one of the most unpopular persons ever to run for president to winning in a landslide, or so I'm told.  That would be the greatest deception in American history. 

For him t o be the Anti-Christ,  he'd then need to assume some world leadership role, something a bit beyond the constitutional bounds of "Leader of the Free World."  How would that happen?  I don't know.  But stumpy is just the type to build on the precedents of the kenyan anti-christ before him, and come up with such an unconstitutional deal.

But what of the substance of what makes this guy an anti-christ?  Or possibly the Big One?  For me, a key tell is always how someone thinks about the question of partial birth abortion,  before they have a chance  to have a calculated position.  He was for it.  That automatically, in my mind, means he's eligible.  His later, more calculated view, obviously arrived at from figuring out how unpopular his true feelings are, is of no consideration.

There are all the bragging, egoisms, insecurities, but two things stand out:  his insouciance regarding the use of nuclear weapons; and his apparent willingness to destroy the civilized world by trying to "renegotiate" US treasury debt, a move, which, if even a tiny bit "successful," would lead to a preindustial, subsistence  existence for everyone who participates in the financial systems worldwide.  In other words, his impulses are to bring chaos.

The final tell is that stumpy merely emulates his father, the devil.  He lies incessantly, but his lies are directed toward one goal: satisfaction of his luuts.    This is the devil's downfall.  He was created the most brilliant, the most intelligent, the most powerful creature.  He was infused with direct knowledge of God.  But he wanted more, he wanted to be God.  So, he would not serve.  We see the same lusts st play, the same Satanic pride.  He always wants what he can't have, and upon achieving what he previously couldn't have, he always wants more.  His means of attainment are lies, deciet, cheating the worker of his wage, cheating the widow (both sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance ), participation in criminal enterprises.  He is greedy to the point of idolatry, and is proud of his many adulteries.  Always wanting more.  In his own life, he seems to have dethroned God from his life, and set himself up as the replacement.

As far as i can see, he is an anti-christ.   Others, most, perhaps, may differ.  But this is my view.

I hesitate to post this.  For one thing, it's at an intersection of politics and theology, and this is mostly a secular site.  For another thing, I admit freely that it is speculative.  I claim no prophecy from God.  It's merely how it looks to me.  As well, I'm not up to a full defense of my assertions.  I was very sick last year, and have not fully recovered.  I'm mending, but it takes time.  So, I just can't do it.  For still another thing, I would like to leave heavy confrontation behind at TOS.

But what makes me think I should post it is, a year or two or five or so, if my speculation turns out to be fevered imaginings, to the degree anyone remembers it, it will be to laugh.  And I can always use a good laugh.  Especially at myself.  If it turns out that stumpy goes on to win in a landslide...
Former Republican.