Author Topic: Sen. Burr Hides in the Men’s Room as North Carolina Fights Alone  (Read 227 times)

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Sen. Burr Hides in the Men’s Room as North Carolina Fights Alone - 

By: Daniel Horowitz | May 10, 2016

One of the North Carolina senators has finally emerged from the witness protection program to comment on the Department of Justice’s assault on his home state. It would have been better had he remained in hiding.

In case you doubted whether Republicans are amenable to the courts deciding every political and social question of our time, think again. Sen. Burr, instead of defending his state from the most pernicious and lawless social transformation at the hands of the unelected DOJ and the courts, wants Congress to butt out of “judicial matters.”

According to The Hill:

‘When things get into the courts system, that's how it has to play out,’ Burr told The Hill when asked about the dueling lawsuits over the law, which requires transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex.

‘I would have loved to see them work out an agreement that both sides were happy with. They either chose not to do it or couldn't,’ Burr said.

Here is more from CQ news alerts:

North Carolina Sen. Richard M. Burr said Gov. Pat McCrory is ‘off base’ in calling for Congress to intervene in the dispute about transgender people and their access to bathrooms in his state. ‘I’ve never seen Congress get involved in judicial matters and this is turned over to the court system now,’ Burr said.

As I noted earlier today in my post detailing what Congress must do to protect North Carolina, the entire purpose of the federal union was to protect individual liberty and the integrity of state sovereignty. Our Founders made Congress the “predominate” branch of government so that the people and the states would have representatives defending their rights. At the same time, the judiciary was to have “neither force nor will” concerning major political issues. Yet, we now have a state under assault by the unelected bureaucrats and the legal profession, which seeks to redefine human sex itself, and Sen. Burr is not only unwilling to defend his state, he is suggesting that such social transformation is inherently the domain of the judiciary.

In the world of Sen. Burr, the Left could bastardize any statue and even compare civil rights for African-Americans to the eradication of all sex differences, and Congress must submit to the courts to decide whether a man is indeed a man


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Both Alabama and North Carolin must be a rally point for assertion of state sovereignty.