Author Topic: Clinton Campaign: Questions About Hillary’s Wall Street Speeches Are ‘Very Offensive’ [VIDEO]  (Read 287 times)

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Clinton Campaign: Questions About Hillary’s Wall Street Speeches Are ‘Very Offensive’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Steve Guest On 3:37 PM 04/15/2016 In | No Comments

Karen Finney, spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton, claims that questions about Clinton’s Wall Street speeches are “very offensive.”

In an interview with on MSNBC’s “The Place For Politics” with Erica Hill on Friday, Finney said, “If you are trying to figure out how to send your kid to college, if you are trying to figure out how to take care of a sick parent or wanting your child’s schools to be improved, this is not something you care about.”

Hill asked Finney, “Why then, if there’s nothing to hide… why not just release those transcripts?”

“Well again, Sen. Sanders is, you know, trying to use this to make an allegation to which he has absolutely no response when asked where is the proof,” Finney replied. (RELATED: Senator Supporting Clinton Says She WILL Release Speech Transcripts [VIDEO])

“So, you know, I think a lot of voters also find that very offensive,” Finney argued.

Later as the Washington Free Beacon noted, Finney claimed, “I mean, I understand, I think we understand the sort of media fascination with this but I’m just telling you, I mean, I have been out there on the road talking to voters. This never comes up. People want to know and I think we heard a lot of specifics from Secretary Clinton last night about the things she wants to do to help move our country forward as she talks about break down those barriers and was just talking about this morning, lift everybody up. That is what people really want to talk about.”

Sanders has been calling on Clinton to release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs. For three speeches to Goldman Sachs, Clinton earned $675,000.

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