Author Topic: Should women be punished for having an abortion? Of course not! But they should be punished for avoiding vaccines, says the medical murder establishment  (Read 250 times)

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 Should women be punished for having an abortion? Of course not! But they should be punished for avoiding vaccines, says the medical murder establishment

By wkchild on April 5, 2016   

Source: Natural News, by Mike Adams

Presidential candidate Donald Trump stepped in it last week, giving a flippant answer about abortion while being bombarded by rapid fire questions from Chris Matthews, a democratic party political hack pretending to be a journalist.

According to Trump’s initial answer — which has since been walked back — if lawmakers were to outlaw abortion across the country (which will never happen), those who break the law should receive some sort of punishment.

This answer predictably set off a firestorm across the media, which reiterated that women’s bodies are their own and that government should keep its hands off their bodies. Yet this same media establishment gleefully contradicts itself when the issue turns to vaccines. The “Pro Choice” mantra of the mainstream media instantly transformed into “NO CHOICE” when the topic turns to vaccines.
When PRO choice becomes NO choice

The child of a woman doesn’t really belong to that woman, we’re told, when the subject is immunization. Even a woman’s own body is assumed to be the property of the government in the view of all the vaccine pushers who decry anyone who seeks natural immunity rather than being injected with toxic vaccine ingredients that provably cause brain damage, autism (as recently admitted by FDA documents) and even death.

And so the hypocrisy of the political and medical establishment collapses at the slightest questioning about vaccine choice. No women should be given any choice about vaccines, we’re adamantly told by the anti-science trolls posing as journalists at the NY Times and Washington Post. Vaccine mandates are “good for society” and thereby supersede the individual medical rights of women. The war on women, it seems, is alive and well in the vaccine industry, where women are seen as nothing more than vaccination vessels to be manipulated and dominated by the men who run the vaccine industry.
The vaccine industry’s war on women

Take the case of this six-month old infant who was paralyzed and brain damaged by eight vaccines given all at once. As reports:

At the tender young age of six months old, her daughter Cerenity was given eight vaccine doses that nearly ended her life. Cerenity went from being a completely healthy baby before receiving those vaccines to a little girl who now suffers from paralysis and brain damage.

Cerenity’s neurologist told her parents they didn’t have a good enough reason to stop vaccinating her, despite the fact that the vaccines she received are known to cause these serious reactions. Multiple doctors have insisted the vaccines had nothing to do with her injuries.

At a subsequent well child visit, the doctor then lied to the parents and injected Cerenity with numerous vaccines her parents didn’t knowingly consent for, against their wishes, leaving their child in worse condition.

Cerenity now suffers more than she already had and her doctor still insists she keep receiving more vaccines, threatening the parents that if they don’t continue getting her vaccinated, they will be dismissed from the practice.

According to the women-hating science hacks in the mainstream media, this sort of medical murder is perfectly okay… and should, in fact, be encouraged and even gleefully forced upon moms and their babies.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 12:05:33 pm by rangerrebew »