Author Topic: “Refugee Crisis” Being Funded to Force UN Agenda 2030 and Neutralize US Constitution  (Read 495 times)

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“Refugee Crisis” Being Funded to Force UN Agenda 2030 and Neutralize US Constitution
Posted On 23 Feb 2016
By : Instigator News Network

UN Agenda 2030

(VoR) – Evidence for the existence of a group of global elites whose intentions are to usurp legitimate governments around the world (including the U.S.), and replacing them with an illegitimate One World Government is everywhere for anyone who takes the time to educate themselves and look!

Unfortunately, back in 1912 the U.S. media was co-opted by Illuminati member JP Morgan, and it has never been relinquished since, so the most valuable “news” every person truly needs to know, will never come from the mainstream media. While the mainstream media does an atrocious job reporting any “actual news,” one thing they are very good at, is conditioning people, or indoctrinating them without their conscious knowledge. A classic example deals with any mention of a New World Order. Upon hearing another talk about such a thing, most people’s immediate reaction is to tune out, or to point and laugh in an attempt to discredit the person speaking.

Do you roll your eyes when someone else mentions the Illuminati, or the New World Order? If so, stop and ask yourself, why? In what area of life is “contempt prior to investigation” EVER healthy? It’s not. So where did that conditioning come from? Despite what many have come to believe, not as a result of their own research,  but rather from disinformation that was spoon fed to them by a lying media, there is nothing “conspiratorial” about the New World Order, or their desire to enslave humanity using One World Government.

In the information that follows, I’ll provide links to the actual UN programs on the UN website that Barack Obama and John Kerry have already committed the U.S. to that include the blueprint for how everything is supposed to happen. Very little is actually “secret” these days. The elites don’t need it to be, because they know most people will do as they’ve been taught if the subject comes up, point and laugh, which provides the necessary cover for the masses to get hoodwinked in plain daylight.

As a tiny sliver of proof in an enormous pie of evidence, let’s begin with the words of George Soros in a letter written and emailed to Bloomberg Business. In the email, Soros, who is a member of the Bilderberg Group/New World Order, admits HE is the one acting behind the scenes to fund the MANUFACTURED refugee “crisis” in Europe. The rest of this post will be filled with information and videos designed to provide additional supporting evidence for why Soros would do that. After all, the mainstream media should have you pointing and laughing right about now.

In the past, I have covered much of this before, however the featured article below comes from Natural News, which BLATANTLY reports that the motive behind Soros’ involvement is:

As part of a globalist plan to destroy the First World by eliminating national borders with global migrant blitzkrieg invasions.

In the first video below based on information from Breitbart, DAHBOO77 explains how in the early stages of this highly orchestrated plan for global chaos, it was George Soros who acted behind the scenes by funding the overthrow of the government in Ukraine. That got tensions with Russia and the West brewing, freeing Soros up to move on and become a key component in creating the manufactured refugee “crisis” in Europe.

As part of his effort to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, something Barack Obama is all too eager to help out with, Soros created a fraudulent group MASQUERADING as conservative one, that is backed by left-wing foundations including billionaire George Soros’s own Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS). The group launched an online advertising campaign in defense of bringing Syrian refugees to the United States.


To further squash any doubts people may have that the chaos we are seeing in Europe is all part of sophisticated planned event, I call your attention to a post titled, Former FBI Assistant Director Risks His Life – Just Exposed Obama In Huge Way. In that post, I refer to when former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom was a guest on the Kelly File immediately in the aftermath of the Paris attack. Like many of the high ranking military officers to come forward and publicly accuse Barack Obama of Treason, Kallstrom is not some “right-wing conspiracy loon.” He was a former Assistant Director within the FBI, who had access to extremely sensitive classified material.

As it so happens, when former Assistant FBI Director James Kallstrom was a guest on The Kelly File, it was several days before Soros wrote his letter to Bloomberg Business admitting he was behind the “manufactured refugee crisis.” During that interview, Kallstrom said it was his “professional opinion,” that the refugee crisis looked like it was being “orchestrated…”

Continued here…