Author Topic: Donald Trump Leads Republican Field Nationally by More than 20 Points -Reuters/Ipsos - February 17, 2016 07:23 PM  (Read 1087 times)

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The results contrasted with those of a national poll conducted this week by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal that showed Trump dropping into a national dead heat with Cruz in the race for the Republican nomination for the Nov. 8 election to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama.

February 17, 2016 07:23 PM

Donald Trump has taken a more than 20-point lead over U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in the Republican race for the presidential nomination, bolstering his position ahead of the party's primary in South Carolina on Saturday, according to a national Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Among Republicans, Trump, a billionaire businessman, drew 40 percent support in the poll conducted from Saturday to Wednesday, compared with 17 percent for Cruz, 11 percent for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, 10 percent for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, and 8 percent for former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

The results contrasted with those of a national poll conducted this week by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal that showed Trump dropping into a national dead heat with Cruz in the race for the Republican nomination for the Nov. 8 election to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama.

On the Democratic side, the Reuters/Ipsos poll showed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton maintaining about a 10-point national lead over U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont since last week's New Hampshire primary won by Sanders.

The Republican results marked an improvement for Trump since his win in the Feb. 9 New Hampshire primary, when he led Cruz by 18.4 points in the national rolling survey, although the increase remained within the poll's credibility interval.

Since he announced his candidacy last summer, Trump has leveraged his celebrity and deep pockets to wage an unfiltered campaign that has upended the Republican primary. He has led the Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll since nearly the start of his campaign, topping Bush in late July.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll also showed that either Clinton or Sanders would win a hypothetical general election contest with Trump. Clinton would likely win with 44 percent support, compared with 37 percent for Trump. Sanders would likely win by 44 percent to 35 percent.

The poll included responses from 476 registered Republicans and 543 registered Democrats. It had a credibility interval of about 5 percent.


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If, as it expects, “mainstream” Republicans make up the largest block of voters, dwarfing evangelicals and Tea Party supporters, then candidates like Bush, Rubio, and Kasich are in for even more of a struggle than anyone realizes.

17 Feb 2016

Bloomberg Poll: Trump +19 in South Carolina

A new Bloomberg poll of South Carolina shows Donald Trump maintaining a strong lead in the state heading into Saturday’s primary.

Trump has the support of 36 percent of likely Republican voters, followed distantly by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in second with 17 percent support.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), with 15 percent support, is in third, followed closely by Jeb Bush with 13 percent. Ben Carson has 9 percent, while John Kasich has 7 percent.

The poll, conducted by Iowa’s Ann Selzer, was conducted after the GOP debate last Saturday. The poll doesn’t show any drop in support for Trump following his criticism of former President George W. Bush over the Iraq War.

A slight majority of voters say their minds are made up on which candidate to support, while 43 percent say they could still change their minds. Supporters of both Trump and Cruz, however, are more strongly committed.

Among Cruz supporters, 68 percent say their mind is definitely made up. Among Trump supporters, a similar 63 percent say their mind is made up.

Trump may be benefiting from his tough rhetoric on trade and proposals to impose tariffs on goods imported into the U.S. Only 20 percent of likely Republican voters believe trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership help the U.S. economy. A massive 70 percent of voters would support import tariffs and duties on goods manufactured overseas.

A strong dose of caution on this poll is warranted, however, because of its sample make-up. According to this poll, the largest single block of likely voters, 39 percent, describe themselves as “mainstream Republicans,” while only a third, 33 percent, describe themselves as evangelicals. Another 20 percent describe themselves at “Tea Party Republicans.”

In both 2012 and 2008, evangelicals made up more than 60 percent of the Republican primary electorate. One reason the final Bloomberg poll in Iowa was so off was that it significantly undercounted the number of evangelicals in the state. That poll also identified “mainstream Republicans” as the largest likely voting block in Iowa.

In both the Iowa poll and the recent South Carolina poll, Bloomberg has Trump running very strong with “mainstream” Republicans. In both polls, in fact, it is his strongest ideological block of voters.

It is unclear how Bloomberg defines “mainstream” Republican voters. It is clear, however, that they were not the largest block of voters in Iowa. They are unlikley to be the largest block of voters in South Carolina either.

The Bloomberg poll, even with this caveat, does reveal a very interesting piece of information. If, as it expects, “mainstream” Republicans make up the largest block of voters, dwarfing evangelicals and Tea Party supporters, then candidates like Bush, Rubio, and Kasich are in for even more of a struggle than anyone realizes.

If these three are still struggling to gain traction with such a favorable electorate, then they really are candidates and campaigns in search of supporters.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 04:26:21 am by HAPPY2BME »

Offline Frank Cannon

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Fantastic news! Trump wins against the Bern by 9 points and Hitlary by I got the numbers backwards.


Offline aligncare

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Haven't you heard? One polling outfit out of dozens, NBC/WSJ, declared a 15 point swing in the race nationally and now Trump is losing to Cruz--suddenly, after seven months of being in the lead.


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Haven't you heard? One polling outfit out of dozens, NBC/WSJ, declared a 15 point swing in the race nationally and now Trump is losing to Cruz--suddenly, after seven months of being in the lead.


The crux of this is that Cruz and Rubio (forget Bush) are banking on the 'evangelical' and 'tea party' votes to carry them, regardless of how they come out in the party nomination.  Even if either Cruz or Rubio did win the nomination, they still would NOT have enough national votes to win the election.

Trump is NOT banking on those votes, and has the strongest cross-platform flow of voter support nationally.


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Fantastic news! Trump wins against the Bern by 9 points and Hitlary by I got the numbers backwards.



That was a good one Frank.

Offline aligncare

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The crux of this is that Cruz and Rubio (forget Bush) are banking on the 'evangelical' and 'tea party' votes to carry them, regardless of how they come out in the party nomination.  Even if either Cruz or Rubio did win the nomination, they still would NOT have enough national votes to win the election.

Trump is NOT banking on those votes, and has the strongest cross-platform flow of voter support nationally.

Many of us believe Trump's greatest hurdle is getting the nomination. But, once achieved, he sails into the White House – no doubt about it.


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Many of us believe Trump's greatest hurdle is getting the nomination. But, once achieved, he sails into the White House – no doubt about it.


Yes, there are powerful forces clutching for the throat of this country.

It will be either a Trump win over Hillary or a Hillary win over Cruz or Rubio.

Jeb can lobby for whoever wins.  Maybe he will even lobby for Trump, if there's enough money in it.


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« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 04:55:56 am by HAPPY2BME »

Offline aligncare

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I like Cruz. I supported him in his bid for the Texas senate seat. He's shown some chutzpah in the senate. But Cruz has limited national appeal in a general election. He's not an executive, he's not a president; he's a constitutional attorney, better suited for the court than the Oval Office. He cannot win against Sanders (I expect Hillary will withdraw or lose the nomination).

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Yes, there are powerful forces clutching for the throat of this country.   It will be either a Trump win over Hillary or a Hillary win over Cruz or Rubio. 

Yup.  Exactly right.

Offline alicewonders

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Liberal NBC poll results:

Surprise: Trump Falls Behind Cruz in National NBC/WSJ Poll

I found this interesting from the article:

Another possible explanation for Trump's decline in the new NBC/WSJ poll is an increase in "very conservative" Republican voters from January's sample.

If the current poll is re-weighted to reflect the ideological composition from last month, the GOP horserace numbers are: Trump 26 percent, Cruz 25 percent, Rubio 18 percent and Kasich 13 percent — so Trump is ahead by one point, but still down from January.
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I expect by tomorrow night NBC will be reporting Trump is down to 1% and Rubio/Cruz (they're one now, don't ya know) is up to 98% with 1% undecided.   ^-^