Author Topic: Congressional investigators subpoena abortion-scheme details. Probe prompted by videos exposing Planned Parenthood's parts-for-sale business  (Read 282 times)

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Congressional investigators subpoena abortion-scheme details
Probe prompted by videos exposing Planned Parenthood's parts-for-sale business
Published: 10 hours ago

Congressional investigators already have asked dozens of organizations and individuals to provide information regarding the Planned Parenthood baby-parts-for-sale scheme that was exposed last year in an undercover video investigation by the Center for Medical Progress.

Some have failed to fully cooperate with the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, and now they are being subpoenaed, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said in a statement posted by Operation Rescue.

They include Stem Express, a California company identified in the CMP videos as a purchaser of baby body parts, the University of New Mexico and Southwestern Women’s Options.

“By failing to fully cooperate with our investigation, these organizations have compelled our panel to subpoena these documents in order to acquire information that is vital to the completion of our work,” Blackburn said.

“Without these subpoenas, the American people and the House itself would be left to speculate about what is going on in the fetal tissue industry. We cannot leave questions unanswered.”

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

She said the panel already has sent more than 30 letters asking for information to be provided voluntarily.

Operation Rescue, whose president, Troy Newman, is on the board of the CMP, released a statement asserting Stem Express “profited from contracts with Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses for the purchase of aborted baby remains for ‘research.'”

The University of New Mexico, OR noted, is “a tax-funded institution that operates a free-standing abortion business, UNM Center for Reproductive Health, and also has a relationship with Southwestern Women’s Options to provide emergency hospital care for its frequent patients that suffer life-threatening abortion-related complications.”

Women’s Options, OR said, “conducts abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.”

“Documentation obtained by Tara Shaver of Protest Albuquerque shows an alarming pattern of abortion injuries at this facility, which takes advantage of New Mexico’s lack of abortion laws to conduct very late abortions that are illegal in other states,” OR said.

Newman said it will be interesting to see what happens next.

“The subpoenas will set up a showdown between the rule of law and those who routinely act outside it,” he said. “Will there be compliance with the subpoenas or will these members of the abortion cartel continue to behave as if they are above the law?

“We hope there is compliance, but the committee must be prepared for the same arrogant defiance we have seen so often in the past.”

He called it “a unique opportunity for the committee to tear off the veil of secrecy that is protecting a corrupt system that is shielding abortion businesses from responsibility for substandard operations that is brutally killing babies just weeks or days from delivery and endangering the lives of women every day.”

Congressional investigators said the undercover videos “featuring senior level Planned Parenthood officials admitting unethical and potentially illegal procedures should be of great concern to every America[n].”

“The practices described in these videos are despicable, and Planned Parenthood should be forced to defend their content,” they said.

Investigations are being conducted by the Energy, Commerce, Judiciary and Oversight House committees.

WND reported that a grand jury in Houston was asked to examine Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts instead indicted the uncover investigators, CMP’s David Dalieden and co-worker Sandra Merritt.

The charges, however, have been questioned. The prosecutor who led the grand jury employs as an attorney a member of the local Planned Parenthood board of directors. Also, a lawyer who has defended abortionists in Houston has been a financial contributor to the prosecutor.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

The Center for Medical Progress’s series of videos, released throughout 2015, showed undercover investigators, posing as executives of a fake biomedical research company, discussing with Planned Parenthood doctors and clinic managers the harvesting of fetal tissue for profit.

The Planned Parenthood executives talked about how much they wanted to be paid and their willingness to alter abortion procedures to preserve certain parts.

In the first undercover video released by CMP, Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies.

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said.

See the first video: