Author Topic: MARCO RUBIO: Legalization of Illegal Immigrants Comes First – Then Border Security  (Read 752 times)

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Feb 3rd, 2016

First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.

The interview with Univision was in Spanish–

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Univision that legalization of illegal immigrants will come first and then new border security measures.
The Examiner reported:

    In a Spanish-language interview Sunday with the network Univision, Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican on the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform group, made his strongest statement yet that legalization of the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants must happen before any new border security or internal enforcement measures are in place, and will in no way be conditional on any security requirements.

    “Let’s be clear,” Rubio said. “Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.”

    In most of his public appeals for the Gang of Eight bill, Rubio has stressed its enforcement provisions, saying that border security must come before immigrants are granted legal permanent resident status. What he has not stressed so much is the fact that the bill would legalize the 11 million almost immediately, after they have passed background checks and paid some sort of fine.

If this happens – the country is screwed.

Offline mrclose

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:chairbang: :chairbang: :chairbang: :chairbang: :chairbang:

You might want to specify that this is an old interview. As many of the  Rubio attack articles you post are. Headline is so misleading. Please don't ever complain about others with misleading headlines. Rubio very clearly stated that border security is first priority now. I am waiting for you to post an article from a GOP insider stating that Rubio stole cookies as an eight year old.
Rubio is known for his two faced/two languages interviews.

In English he says one thing.
To the La Raza crowd it is a complete 360 .. spoken in their native tongue.

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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This is WAY off topic, but I'm watching the Democrat debate.  And we best not underestimate Mrs. BJ.  We best not.   And we as a Party need to not only define and articulate the differences between she and us --- but how and why they will make Americans better off.

She is slick.  She is ready.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 04:05:38 am by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline truth_seeker

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This is WAY off topic, but I'm watching the Democrat debate.  And we best not underestimate Mrs. BJ.  We best not.   And we as a Party need to not only define and articulate the differences between she and us --- but how and why they will make Americans better off.

She is slick.  She is ready.
She has had long enough to prepare, and has sat at the elbows of some of the best political manipulators of all time.

Meanwhile Republicans define, redefine, argue over who is the most pure of the pure, etc.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln


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Offline aligncare

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Your opinion is quite obvious with the multitude of slanted attack articles on Rubio. My opinion is the opposite, as I see him the closest in ideas to mine and with the best chance to win in November. Also, Rubio's record in elections says the opposite of your opinion.

All candidates are subject to attack, some more than others. Say, for example, oh, I don't know, my candidate - Donald Trump. He's attacked mercilessly: Ole Mikey, Petey and the gang. But, I decided to ignore inane taunting and take the time to correct the record of serious poster criticisms only.

I like Rubio and rate his chance of success equal to Trump's. But he's given ample cause to closely examine his record and current stance on immigration. My Spanish ee no too goud but, if Rubio is communicating one message in Spanish and another in English, I'd like to know that.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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She has had long enough to prepare, and has sat at the elbows of some of the best political manipulators of all time.

Meanwhile Republicans define, redefine, argue over who is the most pure of the pure, etc.

Yup.  And then we'll dissect why we lost another national election.   :shrug:

Offline Longiron

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Rubio is known as a strong conservative in both languages by most conservatives and has fought for conservative ideals for years.
I also doubt you know very much about the  La Raza crowd as is evident in your post.
The Florida Cuban community has a strong conservative presence backing conservatives both Hispanic and Non-Hispanic.

Tell everyone how Rubio is a conservative other than u saying so? Gang of 8, TPP , immigration  :whistle:

Offline andy58-in-nh

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The interview with Univision (here being hyped as though it were recent) was actually conducted three years ago, and Rubio has clearly changed his mind since that time. I hope.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline flowers

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This is WAY off topic, but I'm watching the Democrat debate.  And we best not underestimate Mrs. BJ.  We best not.   And we as a Party need to not only define and articulate the differences between she and us --- but how and why they will make Americans better off.

She is slick.  She is ready.
did you notice how sanders had a few times to attack her when she told a lie and he didn't? he just made a face?

Offline Jazzhead

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did you notice how sanders had a few times to attack her when she told a lie and he didn't? he just made a face?

Sanders isn't really trying to win.  If he were, he'd be going after Clinton - hard - on the e-mail scandal.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline aligncare

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Sanders isn't really trying to win.  If he were, he'd be going after Clinton - hard - on the e-mail scandal. the way I believe Donald Trump will go after Hillary Clinton in a one-on-one debate.

I can't wait to see that, or any democrat match against the Trumpman.

Offline NavyCanDo

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Your opinion is quite obvious with the multitude of slanted attack articles on Rubio. My opinion is the opposite, as I see him the closest in ideas to mine and with the best chance to win in November. Also, Rubio's record in elections says the opposite of your opinion.

Out of the top four, I like Rubio & Cruz but for different reasons. Like you I think Rubio is the most electable. He is a far more gifted speaker than the others. Very good in fact, delivering them Kenndyesk like, and can do so without a teleprompter, unlike dear leader. And he has a Kennedyesk like family,  beautiful wife and very cute kids. He will appeal to the much needed moderates and Regan Democrats. 
Cruz on the other hand is the most consistent conservative running, and you won't find many articles being posted here stating otherwise. Can he capture the moderates? That I don't know.  He is a very smart man, and his head is full of facts and data, which he can retrieve with ease, but he is not a naturally gifted speaker. Yet.

I would be happy to vote for either.   We in WA don't have a primary until May, so there is plenty of time for me to make a final decision.    And sleazy articles like the one posted here will not sway me one iota.   
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn

Offline flowers

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Sanders isn't really trying to win.  If he were, he'd be going after Clinton - hard - on the e-mail scandal.
he had times last night at that debate to get her......he didn't.


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BUSTED: Marco Rubio Didn’t Want To Vet Foreigners From Terrorist Countries After 9-11

You shouldn’t trust Rubio. Did you know Marco Rubio didn’t want to monitor Muslim immigrants who were in the country after 9-11?

Marco Rubio didn’t want to vet foreigners from terrorist-sponsoring countries, has learned.

Several of the 9-11 hijackers learned how to fly in South Florida but Marco Rubio– the state representative from South Florida–didn’t want to pass laws that restricted foreign students from coming to the U.S. without going through a vetting process.

Rubio’s past statements show us that he’s not being genuine when he says America can vet the Syrian refugees.

    Marco Rubio now says he'd be willing to accept elderly widows and young orphans from Syria

    — Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) November 28, 2015

One of those post-9-11 bills that Rubio opposed was by Jacksonville Republican Rep. Dick Kravitz, who sponsored a bill to ban aid to students from countries that sponsor terrorism. has previously pointed out how Rubio opposed bills that would have deported illegal
immigrants who committed crimes.

“I think the majority of people in Florida would say we don’t want to pay” for those students, Kravitz said at the time.

But Marco Rubio stopped that sort of common sense legislation because he didn’t want immigrants to be “targeted.”

Here’s how the Miami Herald described Rubio’s views in 2002:

    “I’m concerned that by the end of the session, immigrant and foreign-born people who are here in this country legally won’t be able to get married without a struggle, get a driver’s license without being hassled, and won’t be able to go to school without being tracked,” said Rep. Marco Rubio, a Miami Republican.

    Rubio led a successful charge last week to quash a fellow Republican’s bill that would have required all colleges and universities to submit “visa information” on foreign students to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The universities argued that it would be costly and that the Immigration and Naturalization Service is setting up a system to track student visas.

    “I hope no one thinks we’re Captain America saving the world,” Rubio said. “I don’t believe this legislation would do much, and it’s part of what appears to be a pattern of legislation that targets people who are here to make their lives better and contribute to the good of the country.”

You mean like the wife of the San Bernardino shooter?

Rubio can’t really be trusted on national security matters. He’s a hawk one day and a dove the next.

Just take a look at these newspaper clippings:

Rubio Was Among Those Florida Legislators “Veering Closer To The Liberal Camp Of The American Civil Liberties Union” During The Aftermath Of 9/11. “Cuban-American legislators, a usually reliable bulwark of political conservatism, are veering closer to the liberal camp of the American Civil Liberties Union as Florida ramps up its war on terrorism. Mostly Republican and mostly male, the 13 members of the Cuban-American delegation are raising the loudest concerns as House and Senate leaders propose beefing up police powers and watering down the strongest public records laws in the country. ‘I can’t ignore the fact that a lot of people I represent came to this country because of the freedoms that make it what it is,’ said Rep. Marco Rubio, R-Miami. Rubio serves on the House Select Committee on Security, a panel quickly assembled after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and charged with reviewing all of Florida’s safety procedures.” (“Security Talk Stirs Painful Memories Of Life In Cuba,” Palm Beach Post, 10/19/01)

Rubio, In 2003: “In The Aftermath Of 9/11, Everything With Law Enforcement Was Terrorism-This And Terrorism-That.” “In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, state lawmakers last year unleashed an unprecedented assault on Florida’s tradition of open government. They approved nearly two dozen laws that made secret everything from the layout of government buildings to financial information used by businesses to get tax breaks. … Legislative leaders also predict greater restraint this year. ‘I think the atmosphere is less urgent and much calmer now,’ said House Majority Leader Marco Rubio, R-Miami. ‘In the aftermath of 9/11, everything with law enforcement was terrorism-this and terrorism-that.’ Rubio said that a newly released legislative study committee report will encourage restraint.” (“Floridians Will See More Open-Records Battles In This Session,” Orlando Sentinel, 3/2/03)

Rubio: “So Many Of These Measures That We Are Talking About Implementing Were The Very Same Ones That Were Forced On The People Of Cuba Right After Castro Took Over.” “The panel has gathered suggestions from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that run the gamut from the seemingly innocuous – shielding security plans for public buildings – to the ominous – giving police secret arrest and detention powers. Rubio is willing to consider incremental changes to public records laws and has no objection to a proposal of creating a statewide database of terrorism suspects. But the idea of secret arrests raises the image of another bearded nemesis who has tormented Rubio’s constituents decades longer than Osama bin Laden. ‘So many of these measures that we are talking about implementing were the very same ones that were forced on the people of Cuba right after Castro took over,’ Rubio said.” (“Security Talk Stirs Painful Memories Of Life In Cuba,” Palm Beach Post, 10/19/01)

Rubio Said A Bill That Would Expand Detention Powers “Is Particularly Unsettling To His Cuban-American Constituents…” “In yet another sign of a deeply divided legislature, a House anti-terrorism committee decided Monday not to give state police sweeping new powers to detain witnesses or suspend public records laws. The House Select Committee on Security voted unanimously to postpone one of the most controversial measures (HB-109B) – giving police the power to detain a material witness for up to four days in terrorism investigations. A companion (SB-78B) is expected to pass the full Senate today. The House committee also voted to postpone consideration of another measure (HB-131B) that would give the Florida Department of Law Enforcement the authority to delay the release of virtually any public record for up to 21 days in terrorism investigations if it can convince a judge to go along. The decisions virtually assure that the measures will not pass the legislature before lawmakers adjourn a special session, possibly as early as today. Rep. Marco Rubio, R-Miami, said the detention bill is particularly unsettling to his Cuban-American constituents who still bear painful memories of President Fidel Castro’s security police and oppressive regime. ‘It’s a delicate balancing act that we walk here,’ Rubio said. It would give police the power to detain witnesses up to four days, but only after winning permission from a judge in a hearing that must be called within 48 hours. The witness would be given access to an attorney and would not be required to disclose the incident on job applications.” (“House Panel Stalls Police Power Bills,” Palm Beach Post, 10/30/01)

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The worst attack on America, on American soil, in history, and Marco Rubio gets all PC?

They struck our financial center, our military center, and tried to take out our government.

An act this brazen and cowardly should have been a wake-up call for everyone in government to be on high alert. And Marco Rubio wanted to make sure he didn't offend Islamists in the UN.