Author Topic: Joe Biden Fills In, Lies Like Obama – Accept Refugee Terrorists, Be Like The French, Liberal Propaganda Is American Values  (Read 343 times)

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Joe Biden Fills In, Lies Like Obama – Accept Refugee Terrorists, Be Like The French, Liberal Propaganda Is American Values
Rick Wells 11/23/2015

With Hussein Obama off in Malaysia busily demeaning the American people as reactionary bigots, the responsibility for delivering the weekly insult fell to his willing partner in crime, Joe Biden.

Biden’s almost as good at lying straight-faced to the American people and doesn’t have the associated gag reaction that comes reflexively with the opening of Hussein Obama’s putrid facial orifice.

It’s Bidens’ job to convince us to abandon our natural instincts of self-preservation in the pursuit of a “higher, enlightened and totally idiotic” liberal ideal of coexistence with the authoritarian terrorist butchers and Islamists.

He heaps praise upon the people of France and others who were forced to deal with the terrorism that is a direct result of the Obama regime’s allowance or quite possibly their assistance in growing from the JV squad to the world’s premier terrorist organization. Of course, he doesn’t acknowledge the Obama regime’s culpability, just the excellence of the joint ISIS/ Obama victims.

He then stands upon their graves to promote their invasion, the creation of a North American caliphate which seems to underlie their never-ending push for the refugees and their refusal to consider building a facility for them in their homeland.

As if delaying our demise is somehow more acceptable than preventing it, Biden tells us that if we don’t object to their Islamification agenda, we’ve got 18 months before the beginning of the end. That’s supposed to make us feel better?

His lies continue when he tells us that it’s only the women, children and victims of torture who will be coming to the United States. We’ve all seen the pictures of the hordes of men that make up the refugees of Europe. According to Biden, the women and children will be coming here. He must think we’re real idiots.
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He rolls up the baloney cart in a most despicable way, himself employing terrorist tactics by quoting the ISIS leader and indicating that if we don’t give in to the ISIS/Obama/Biden Islamic importation demands that the terrorists will somehow be empowered, ignoring the fact that there will be far fewer of them and that is inherently weakening.

Biden pledges that ISIS will never prevail because the world is united against them. What tripe, he and his fellow traitors to America are politicking hard to have the Muslims brought in. It’s happening for a reason and there is at least a political component, and probably a generous financial consideration as well.

Are there any wealthy Arabs willing to bankroll a scumbag Islamic sympathizing US government official or two or five hundred, however many are needed? They’re financing runaway mosque construction across the nation, with just one Saudi contributing $32 billion to the effort. They’ve certainly got the cash and the motivation to purchase political favors.

Biden’s just like Obama, no more trustworthy and just as disloyal. He closes with “God Bless Our Troops.” Does that include the ones at Ft. Hood or in Chattanooga, Biden? Or the ones who will be targeted in the future by the terrorists you are bringing in?

They’re disgusting traitors, enemies of our nation, working towards our national destruction from within.