Author Topic: Huckabee compares Ky. clerk jailing to slavery ruling in Dred Scott  (Read 396 times)

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Washington (CNN)Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee compared Rowan County clerk Kim Davis' refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples to conscientious objections to slavery Sunday.

Asked if Davis, who was jailed last week for refusing to issue the licenses, should be forced to obey the Supreme Court ruling on marriage, Huckabee cited the landmark Dred Scott decision.

"You obey it if it's right," Huckabee said on ABC's "This Week." "So I go back to my question. Is slavery the law of the land? Should it have been the law of the land because Dred Scott said so? Was that a correct decision? Should the courts have been irrevocably followed on that? Should Lincoln have been put in jail? Because he ignored it."

Many Republican candidates have rallied around Davis since she drew national headlines for refusing issue the licenses and asked her deputies not to comply with the high court ruling. After she was arrested, the first license was issued to a gay couple.

"Do we have a check and balance system? Do we have three equal branches or do we have one supreme branch, not just the Supreme Court? That's the fundamental question," Huckabee said.

Democrats who supported same-sex marriage rights before the Supreme Court ruling weren't jailed, Huckabee said.

"Gavin Newsom in San Francisco as mayor performed same-sex weddings even though it was illegal. Did he ever get put in jail? He most certainly did not," he said. "You have Barack Obama and Eric Holder, when he was Attorney General. They ignored the rulings of (the Defense of Marriage Act). Did they get put in jail for ignoring the law? They most certainly did not."

more at link

Aww Yeah!  Preach on Governor!  Evangelicals are a terrific wing of the GOP and they love to vote in primaries.  I like where you are going with Mike, but your going to have to turn it up a notch to get noticed next to Trump.

I wonder why Trump didn't make a grab for the evangelicals.  Everybody knows the Bible is his favorite book.  He says it all the time.  Just like he often says "Let me tell you, I'm a really smart guy."

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Re: Huckabee compares Ky. clerk jailing to slavery ruling in Dred Scott
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2015, 05:29:27 am »
The Southern Baptist Convention, founded in 1845 partly to support slavery, only admitted it was wrong in 1995, 150 years later.

Resolution On Racial Reconciliation On The 150th Anniversary Of The Southern Baptist Convention

Atlanta, Georgia - 1995

WHEREAS, Since its founding in 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention has been an effective instrument of God in missions, evangelism, and social ministry; and

   WHEREAS, The Scriptures teach that Eve is the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20), and that God shows no partiality, but in every nation whoever fears him and works righteousness is accepted by him (Acts 10:34-35), and that God has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth (Acts 17:26); and

   WHEREAS, Our relationship to African-Americans has been hindered from the beginning by the role that slavery played in the formation of the Southern Baptist Convention; and

   WHEREAS, Many of our Southern Baptist forbears defended the right to own slaves, and either participated in, supported, or acquiesced in the particularly inhumane nature of American slavery; and

   WHEREAS, In later years Southern Baptists failed, in many cases, to support, and in some cases opposed, legitimate initiatives to secure the civil rights of African-Americans; and

   WHEREAS, Racism has led to discrimination, oppression, injustice, and violence, both in the Civil War and throughout the history of our nation; and

   WHEREAS, Racism has divided the body of Christ and Southern Baptists in particular, and separated us from our African-American brothers and sisters; and

   WHEREAS, Many of our congregations have intentionally and/or unintentionally excluded African-Americans from worship, membership, and leadership; and

   WHEREAS, Racism profoundly distorts our understanding of Christian morality, leading some Southern Baptists to believe that racial prejudice and discrimination are compatible with the Gospel; and

   WHEREAS, Jesus performed the ministry of reconciliation to restore sinners to a right relationship with the Heavenly Father, and to establish right relations among all human beings, especially within the family of faith.

   Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers to the Sesquicentennial meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, assembled in Atlanta, Georgia, June 20-22, 1995, unwaveringly denounce racism, in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and

   Be it further RESOLVED, That we affirm the Bibles teaching that every human life is sacred, and is of equal and immeasurable worth, made in Gods image, regardless of race or ethnicity (Genesis 1:27), and that, with respect to salvation through Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for (we) are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28); and

   Be it further RESOLVED, That we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest, and we recognize that the racism which yet plagues our culture today is inextricably tied to the past; and

   Be it further RESOLVED, That we apologize to all African-Americans for condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime; and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously (Psalm 19:13) or unconsciously (Leviticus 4:27); and

   Be it further RESOLVED, That we ask forgiveness from our African-American brothers and sisters, acknowledging that our own healing is at stake; and

   Be it further RESOLVED, That we hereby commit ourselves to eradicate racism in all its forms from Southern Baptist life and ministry; and

   Be it further RESOLVED, That we commit ourselves to be doers of the Word (James 1:22) by pursuing racial reconciliation in all our relationships, especially with our brothers and sisters in Christ (1 John 2:6), to the end that our light would so shine before others, that they may see (our) good works and glorify (our) Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16); and

   Be it finally RESOLVED, That we pledge our commitment to the Great Commission task of making disciples of all people (Matthew 28:19), confessing that in the church God is calling together one people from every tribe and nation (Revelation 5:9), and proclaiming that the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only certain and sufficient ground upon which redeemed persons will stand together in restored family union as joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln