Author Topic: Israeli Soldiers Banned from Shooting Terrorists. Terrorists can escape the IDF without fear of being shot  (Read 870 times)

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Israeli Soldiers Banned from Shooting Terrorists

Terrorists can escape the IDF without fear of being shot

August 12, 2015
Daniel Greenfield

  The depressing outcome of the tantrum of political correctness in Israel after the still unsolved arson made headlines and lead to outcries from the left and some of their useful idiots on the right, is that Israelis will be further endangered in the fight against terrorism.

The IDF has changed its open-fire instructions for warriors serving in Judea and Samaria, making it even more difficult for them to fire at terrorists.

The new instructions determine that only in cases of real danger to life may the soldier fire at the terrorist's lower limbs.

This is a radical change in the longstanding open-fire instructions that call for a soldier to call out warnings to terrorists, then fire in the air several times. If a terrorist ignores these warnings, the soldier was instructed to fire at the terrorist's lower extremities.

The new instructions appear to mean that terrorists can escape the IDF without fear of being shot, after mounting attacks. They also appear to mean that soldiers may not even fire at suspicious approaching figures, even if they continue to approach after having been warned.

This is similar to the situation American soldiers faced in Afghanistan leading to a high casualty count. It is criminally irresponsible to implement it after the recent terror attack on Israeli soldiers.

And terrorists will find plenty of ways to take advantage of it, as the Taliban did.


The IDF said that “in view of the situation assessment, a temporary order has been disseminated, clarifying the way the forces are to confront threats that do not constitute actual and immediate threat to life.”

Temporary orders have a way of becoming permanent.

The left does this sort of thing on purpose. It makes it impossible for soldiers to function, increases casualties, increases terrorism, and claims that the resulting crisis is proof that its 'solution' must be imposed.