Author Topic: Woman Runs Marathon Without Tampon – Bleeds All Over Herself. Ain’t That Empowering?  (Read 479 times)

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Woman Runs Marathon Without Tampon – Bleeds All Over Herself. Ain’t That Empowering?

Robert Gehl 
August 8, 2015

Because being disgusting is the new way to battle sexism … or something, a really nutty woman decided to run in the London Marathon without a tampon while she was menstruating.

Of course, she bled all over herself and this is empowering for women. I guess.
period marathon

People Magazine and Cosmo were just beside themselves reporting the news. Kiran Gandhi, who is a drummer for bands I’ve never heard of – apparently trained for years for the 26.2-mile race and when it came and she was on her period, rather than do what basic hygiene and common decency would call for, she decided to prance about dripping period blood.

And my, she’s proud of herself.
When push comes to shove, all this cleaning that we do, all this shame that women feel, it doesn’t matter. They were my family, that’s their blood too. On a spiritual level, that’s amazing. That connects men and women in a very amazing way. Instead of men getting grossed out by it or women being grossed out by their own bodies, we should move away from that.

She complains that women are ostracized when they’re menstruating (they’re not – not in America at least) and wishes men could have a period too… That would show them!

I have this vision that if men had their period, because we are in a male-privileging society, that rules would be written into the workplace, rules would be written into the social fabric that enable men to take a moment when they need to or enable people to talk about their periods openly. We would make it OK.

Well, until then, to show my solidarity, I’m going to run a marathon while masturbating and get my own mess all over my shoes.

How liberating.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 01:56:53 pm by rangerrebew »