Author Topic: Democrats Support Planned Parenthood’s Fetus Harvesting Scheme  (Read 269 times)

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Democrats Support Planned Parenthood’s Fetus Harvesting Scheme


Brian Anderson 
July 15, 2015

The world, or at least the part with a sense of morality, was shocked yesterday when a video was released showing Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services Deborah Nucatola bragging about how the organization harvests organs and body parts from aborted babies and sells them for medical research. Because liberals are the worst people on the planet and believe that killing babies and parting them out is a woman’s right, several democrats have come out in support of Planned Parenthood’s grizzly practices.

So how do you defend the indefensible? The Hill shows us:

Several House Democrats are coming to the defense of Planned Parenthood in the wake of a now-viral video that shows its chief medical director graphically detailing the uses for organs of aborted fetuses.

“Planned Parenthood is actually allowed, is my understanding, for scientific research, to use fetal tissue and that is not illegal,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus and sponsor of numerous abortion-rights bills.

“Having talked to the leadership at Planned Parenthood, this was a sting operation,” she added.

Now check this out:

She said she had not watched the nearly nine-minute video, which was released Tuesday by a controversial anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress.

She hasn’t seen the video, but has talked to Planned Parenthood, so everything is hunky dory. As you will see, this is a reoccurring theme:

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), another prominent supporter of abortion rights, also dismissed the latest attacks against Planned Parenthood.


“They’ve been attacking Planned Parenthood for years,” she said. “They’ve been calling for investigations for years, and they surface videos and they come on the attack … and I think it’s outrageous.”

Lee also said she has not seen the video.

How can these two defend Planned Parenthood when they haven’t even seen the video? Because they are democrats, that’s how.

If they had any interest in the truth, they would watch the video and see a senior PP director actually trying to sell aborted baby parts and admitting that she performs partial birth abortions to preserve the babies for the chop-shops. Not only are these things despicable, they are federal crimes.

Republicans however, have actually seen the video and are calling for an investigation:

Republicans are hoping to keep it in the spotlight for at least several weeks. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) ordered an investigation into the video Wednesday afternoon.

Schakowsky, who hasn’t seen the video, would also like an investigation, but you’ll never guess the target:

When asked about Republicans’ planned investigations into Planned Parenthood, Schakowsky said she wanted an investigation, instead, into the Center for Medical Progress, which she called “a phony company.”

Planned Parenthood has stated that the video is highly edited and mischaracterizes its use of fetal tissue, which is funny because the Center for Medical Progress released the entire unedited video. It shows the exact same thing only in longer form.

Just when you thought democrats couldn’t get any more horrible, they come out in favor of partial-birth abortions and harvesting baby parts for profit. I wonder if this will become an official party platform. I can see Hillary Clinton telling her supporters that women have a right to kill their babies and make a few bucks selling their butchered corpses: “How dare a man tell a woman what she can or can’t do with her murdered baby.”
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 10:18:34 am by rangerrebew »