Author Topic: Rutgers Teacher: “There Are No Good White People … Only Less Bad White People”  (Read 255 times)

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Rutgers Teacher: “There Are No Good White People … Only Less Bad White People”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 20, 2015 @ 11:25 am In The Point | 16 Comments


Considering the two educational professionals fired recently for making comments about the handcuffing of a teenage black girl during a home invasion in Texas, is there any doubt that this guy would be out of a job teaching the ridiculous course that he teaches if he had made the same racist comments [2] about black people?

Now this is real privilege.

AllredTweet-560x367 [3]

A graduate student lecturer at Rutgers University recently tweeted “until the entire system changes there are no good white people. There are only less bad white people” to his more than 500 followers.

The tweet by Kevin Allred, a self-described queer feminist who is also white, told The College Fix in an email that he stands by his comments.

“[W]hiteness plays an invisible role in dominating and oppressing everyone else. And I’m speaking about a U.S. context specifically here,” said Allred, who is currently teaching a summer course at Rutgers called “Politicizing Beyoncé.”

1. Ridiculous course by an otherwise unemployable creature who could only exist in academia – check

2. Casual racism – check

3. Taxpayer subsidized – check

B1 and H1 Feminist Perspectives: Politicizing Beyoncé … current class, racial, gender, and sexual politics through the music and career of Beyoncé.

Kevin Allred, a doctoral student and lecturer in the college’s Department of Women and Gender Studies, told college paper Rutgers Today that the class will explore race, gender and sexuality in America via Beyonce’s music.

So this is basically a forum for Allred to promote his crazy racist views by citing Beyonce lyrics.

Like the best kind of feminism, this consists of a gay white leftist appropriating the music of a black pop star to promote his hatred of white people.

This is yet another reminder that American Studies has become the cancer of the modern university and needs to be thoroughly disposed of.

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