Author Topic: University to Give Honorary Degree to Anti-Semitic 9/11 Truther Who Said Republicans are Terrorists  (Read 801 times)

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University to Give Honorary Degree to Anti-Semitic 9/11 Truther Who Said Republicans are Terrorists

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 15, 2015 @ 1:49 pm In The Point | 23 Comments

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Anyone can get an honorary degree these days. Cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal has one of those from a California law school. Kermit the Frog got one. So did brutal dictator Robert Mugabe from Michigan State University.

Now Sut Jhally is joining  [2]their ranks (with apologies to Kermit, who doesn’t really deserve to be classed with Mumia, Mugabe and Jhally) as Simon Fraser University is giving him an honorary degree.

Jhally is a nasty clown of the sort that usually finds a sinecure in academia, who has ranted that “The New Republican Party – American Terrorists.”

Jhally also tweeted in 2013 the Tea Party wants to bring America back to a “pre-civil rights” era, and in another stated the Second Amendment was ratified in order to protect slavery.

Jhally’s apparent support for communist notions was also illustrated in a 2013 tweet in which he bemoaned the misrepresentation of Hugo Chavez upon the dictator’s death.

Sut Jhally is best known for trying to exploit 9/11, initially promoting 9/11 Truther theories before switching to a more conventionally anti-American claim that the attacks were “blowback” for our foreign policy.

Sut Jhally is best known for two propaganda flicks, Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire and Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land, the latter attacked Israel and supposed brainwashing of Americans, from a guy who was trying to do just that.

Jhally had at one point endorsed David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor, a 9/11 Truther text, at least one of Griffin’s Truther books was put out by the Presbyterian Church’s Westminster John Knox Press [3], which also promoted Sut Jhally’s anti-Israel flick.

With Hijacking Catastrophe, Sut Jhally took Griffin’s obsession with the Project for the New American Century, stripped it of the explicit “Bush knew” stuff and tried to put it forward as retroactive exploitation, making lefty 9/11 Trutherism safer for a more mainstream audience.

Meanwhile Sut Jhally’s attack on Jews with Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land required him to tell racist lies about the historical Jewish experience [4] of anti-Semitism.

“Anti-Semitism in the Arab world, in fact, doesn’t exist until well into the 20th century. It exists, in a huge way, of course, among Christian nations,” Jhally falsely claimed in an interview.

In fact, anti-Semitism had existed in the Arab world all along and can be found back as far as the Koran. Jews lived as second class citizens, persecuted and killed for charges of blasphemy by their Muslim overlords.

But Jhally did claim that Jews were using anti-Semitism accusations to terrorize academics like him.

So now Sut Jhally joins the likes of Mugabe, Kermit and Mumia in getting an honorary degree. And the only one in the group who really deserved his was Kermit.


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[2] Now Sut Jhally is joining :

[3] put out by the Presbyterian Church’s Westminster John Knox Press:

[4] the historical Jewish experience: