Author Topic: Hyper-Paranoid School Panics Over Johnny Cash Lyrics  (Read 575 times)

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Hyper-Paranoid School Panics Over Johnny Cash Lyrics
« on: April 25, 2015, 10:36:27 am »
Hyper-Paranoid School Panics Over Johnny Cash Lyrics

April 24, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield 6 Comments

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He’s lucky he didn’t post lyrics from Folson Prison Blues or a SWAT team would have broken down his door… which it probably did anyway.




A Johnny Cash song had students at one of New York City’s top public schools on edge this week.

An Instagram post from a 15-year-old student at New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math on the Lower East Side featuring lyrics from Cash’s 2002 song “The Man Comes Around” was taken as a threat, leading many students to plan to play hooky Thursday.

The Instagram post included an image of the lyrics, the school’s crest and the date “4/16/15,” according to emails obtained by the Daily News. School officials sent emails only to parents of high schoolers assuring them students were in no danger — but parents of kids in lower grades at the K-12 school were not immediately told, sparking confusion.

A lengthy email chain circulated among parents Wednesday night and several said they contacted police out of concern.

Education Department officials said they are working with the school to address the situation.

The situation is that everyone involved is an idiot. It’s hard not to think that this thin edge of hysteria that everyone in these liberal circles seems to exist on closely relates to the emergence of the Social Justice Warrior.

This starts with overprotective parents terrorizing children who play outside to zero tolerance paranoia in schools and culminates in children who are natural Nazis eager to denounce each other for the pettiest of politically correct issues.

Maybe there’s some collective species of derangement here.


This is a city whose many new liberal arrivals have very little common sense about crime, but a great deal of sensitivity to imaginary problems. Maybe the Social Justice Warrior is just the natural offspring of the helicopter parent.

Police also investigated the “threat” and deemed it not credible, cops said.

Now investigate the threat of everyone else involved in this incident which could have been settled for 10 seconds in Google.