Author Topic: I don't see Jeb Bush winning  (Read 4731 times)

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Re: I don't see Jeb Bush winning
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2015, 03:02:52 am »

Now, If only he were running.

I doubt that Romney would be aggressively anti-illegal immigration, but it is a moot point.  Romney did deny in-state tuition to illegals, but that was largely regarded as a political move in anticipation of his running for president.  His only other intersection with illegal immigration as governor was his hiring (unbeknownst to him, he says) a company that employed illegals to do his landscaping.

Nowadays Romney talks a good game on immigration, and if one is inclined to believe what politicians say, then I guess he would be tougher than most of the top candidates.   Given his ties to Wall Street and big business, I have my doubts that Romney is a true believer against any sort of amnesty.

My main objection to Romney is the same as it is against Bush: he cannot win a general election.


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Re: I don't see Jeb Bush winning
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2015, 04:14:48 am »
Being a govern isn't the same as being president. Who cares that it's the third most populous state? Would you want Mayor De Blasio as president, because he's mayor of a large population?

Being governor is almost exactly like being president - qualitatively more so than being a senator - and the point made about the size of the state is that large states are more fractious and more difficult to manage than are small states; in other words, someone who can govern well in a large state probably has a damned good resume for president.

Running a large place always showcases how well that person can manage the executive end of a government, and NYC is no different; even in liberal NYC DiBlasio is starting to show his ineptness.  He's another Dinkins in the making.  Being Mayor of NYC will prove why DiBlasio should not be trusted with something like the presidency.