Author Topic: Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Massively Funds Wisconsin COP-HATING PROTESTS  (Read 516 times)

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Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Massively Funds Wisconsin COP-HATING PROTESTS

Posted By Eric Owens On 9:48 AM 01/08/2015 In | 3 Comments

 The National Education Association is heavily involved in supporting a militant group in Wisconsin that spends its time and energy organizing angry anti-police protests.

The group is Wisconsin Jobs Now, reports.

Wisconsin Jobs Now fancies itself as a fighter against income inequality. Strangely, though, the feature piece of propaganda currently emblazoned on its website discusses the death of Dontre Hamilton, a black man who was killed by an aggressive white police officer.

Wisconsin Jobs Now has variously declared that the state’s police officers are racists, killers and animals, according to EAGnews.

The NEA is a major financial donors for Wisconsin Jobs Now. The teachers union — the largest in the United States — gave $125,000 to Wisconsin Jobs Now in 2014 alone.

The other major contributor to the radical group is the Service Employees International Union.

However, the generous $125,000 contribution from the NEA is the only income or revenue Wisconsin Jobs Now reported in 2014, according to a Department of Labor report.

The radical union group is using that $125,000 in NEA seed money to wreak anti-police havoc across Wisconsin.

For example, Wisconsin Jobs Now has organized, participated in or publicized “die-ins” (where protesters collectively get on the ground and pretend to be dead) as well as an illegal blockade of a major Milwaukee freeway during rush hour.

The nonprofit outfit took credit for creating the Dec. 19 traffic jam, notes EAG. Many protesters were arrested during that incident.

While Wisconsin Jobs Now expressly connects these protest events to Hamilton’s death, it’s not clear how the protests actually relate to any improvement in the ability of state residents to find employment rapidly.

Hamilton, the man whose death set off the protesting, died after Milwaukee police officer Christopher Manney shot him a large number of times. Manney had found Hamilton, 31, sleeping on a park bench in April 2013. The two ended up scuffling before the fatal shooting.

Hamilton had a history of mental illness.

Manney has since been fired, but no charges have been or will be filed against him.

The full report (from the perspective of the Milwaukee County district attorney) concerning the deadly altercation between Hamilton and Hanney is available from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Hamilton’s death at the hands of the police has been a rallying cry for months among Wisconsin’s die-hard leftist activists. (RELATED: How To Exploit Dead Black Males To Get Out The Vote In Wisconsin)

After the district attorney announced the decision not to press charges against Hanney, Wisconsin Jobs Now protesters tried and mostly failed to rabble-rouse in downtown Milwaukee. Their chants included “Don’t arrest me! Arrest the police!”

In November, shortly after the world-historical losses suffered by the Democrats her union heartily supported, NEA president Lily Eskelsen García sought to rally support for new laws forcing taxpayers to foot all or part of the college tuition costs for anyone who becomes a teacher. (RELATED: Teachers Union Demands Free College For Teachers)

The NEA and other national and local teachers unions suffered massive rejection at the polls in the 2014 midterm elections despite pouring over $100 million into congressional and down-ballot races.

Here are a couple choice Wisconsin Jobs Now protest tweets of recent vintage:

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