Author Topic: January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht for French Jews (Barry Shaw, CFP)  (Read 854 times)

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January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht for French Jews
By Barry Shaw  January 10, 2015

For French Jews, January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht, a seminal watershed of no return.

That was the day that the Islamic fever that had infested France and most of Europe turned its fury away from attacking a satirical magazine that poked fun at them to its greatest enemy—Judaism.

In Paris, a gunman, linked to the perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo massacre who had shot a policewoman in the back the previous day, selected a Jewish target for headline effect. He attacked the Hyper Casher Jewish supermarket gunning down four shoppers in his assault.

The French Jewish community had warned of their fears that the summer rise in anti-Semitic incidents were leading to deadly violence. At that time hundreds of Muslims, backed by radical leftists, had rampaged through the streets of Paris toward synagogues with fearful Jews sheltering inside. These Jews were the maelstrom of anti-Israel hate during the Gaza conflict that necessitated channeling its expression toward the local Jews.

Let’s be honest, Islamists hate Judaism in all its forms—Israel, Zionism, and, quite frankly, Jews.

The summer violence of 2014 led to a doubling of French Jews to Israel to escape the anti-Semitism of a Socialist France that neglectfully allowed the growth of radical Muslim activity and voice to dominate their society.

France ceded sovereignty to a growing Muslim community by allowing over seven hundred “no go” areas where Muslims are permitted to run their own affairs, including imposing Shariah law, and where French police do not tread for fear of violent reprisals. When a sovereign state surrenders territory and control to an intolerant and rejectionist minority it has lost the battle for multiculturalism and enlightenment. This is when integrated minorities, such as Jews who contribute fully to the host country, feel isolated and exposed. For the power of the dominating minority, in Europe’s case the Muslims, will insist that the host country cede further to their will.

Liberal politicians and media talking heads bleat about that recent phenomenon of bloody terror on the streets of Paris has nothing to do with real Islam even as the perpetrators pronounce that this is precisely what their actions are all about. Go into any mosque preaching the concept of Dar ul-Islam (Land of Islam) over Dar ul-Kufr (Land of Unbelievers) and understand that jihad can be fought by deception or violence until Islam has succeeded and any land that is not Dar ul-Islam is Dar ul-Haab—a Land of War.

This is something that Israel and Jews are fully aware. Even in this they feel isolated as clearly liberal-minded Europe is still in denial. They have deliberately decided to wear blinkers for to see the truth exposes their wrong-headedness. They cannot admit that they have led their people into a dark cul-de-sac. Instead, they impose the notion of Islamophobia for anyone pointing out the error of their ways and the frightening outcome of their policies of open immigration, failed integration, and surrender of once-proud national values in favor of a multi-cultureless that brought masses of people who rejected their valueless society.

What Europeans did not appreciate was that people do not emigrate from the Middle East. They bring the baggage of the Middle East with them.

A reporter on the French news desk of i24 online Israeli TV news, who had closely followed events surrounding the attack on the Jewish supermarket, gave disturbing news that the general French feeling was that this terror attack had little to do with France. That it was a side issue between Arabs and Jews and did not affect them, as regular French folk, as did the assault on the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The French love and respect their satirical journalism a lot less than they love and respect their Jews.

The French have not yet grasped the reality that radical Islamic terror rooted in the Middle East, but nurtured by misguided politics on their own soil, may begin by targeting free speech, authority as personified by the fallen policemen and women, and Jews but, as with all totalitarian ideologies, it eventually targets everyone who do not bend to their will.

January 9 2015 should be a watershed date not only for the Jews of France, but also for Jews anywhere.  For, just as Kristallnacht targeted the Jews of Berlin, the sound of terror and broken glass were the alarm signals to Jews and civilization everywhere.

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Re: January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht for French Jews (Barry Shaw, CFP)
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 06:25:12 pm »
How the French government carelessly ceded entire sections of France to Muslim control will hopefully serve as a warning to other countries dealing with an influx of an alien culture.

There are already areas of the United States that should be very careful.

Offline Scottftlc

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Re: January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht for French Jews (Barry Shaw, CFP)
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2015, 07:42:59 pm »
"Liberal-minded Europe" will always be in denial.  They cannot relinquish their multi-cultural philosophy, because it is their religion.  To give it up would be to reject everything that they are.  They will die before doing that, and forfeit their country.

But be concerned.  Liberal-minded America adheres to the same religion as their European comrades.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht for French Jews (Barry Shaw, CFP)
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2015, 08:33:29 pm »
aligncare wrote above:
[[ How the French government carelessly ceded entire sections of France to Muslim control will hopefully serve as a warning to other countries dealing with an influx of an alien culture. ]]

Just look to Sweden, which has its own no-go zones in cities like Malmo and Gothenburg:

Norway may also have developing no-go zones as well.

But aligncare -- aren't you the one who has of late been posting that you work with muslims, and that the huge number of muslims in the world (1.5 billion +/-) means that we can't effectively deal with them?

What do your muslim colleagues at work say?
Do you hear many of them vocally condemn "radical islam"?

Offline aligncare

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Re: January 9, 2015, was Kristallnacht for French Jews (Barry Shaw, CFP)
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2015, 10:17:43 pm »
aligncare wrote above:
[[ How the French government carelessly ceded entire sections of France to Muslim control will hopefully serve as a warning to other countries dealing with an influx of an alien culture. ]]

Just look to Sweden, which has its own no-go zones in cities like Malmo and Gothenburg:

Norway may also have developing no-go zones as well.

But aligncare -- aren't you the one who has of late been posting that you work with muslims, and that the huge number of muslims in the world (1.5 billion +/-) means that we can't effectively deal with them?

What do your muslim colleagues at work say?
Do you hear many of them vocally condemn "radical islam"?

My position hasn't changed. America is different from every country in the world. Our founding embraces anyone who wants to come here and call themselves "American."

One can move to Spain or France, become a citizen, spend your entire life there. And on your dying bed you would still not be considered Spanish or French. That makes America unique among nations.

We have (or used to have) an expectation that those who come here "become" American, integrate into American society.

When I came to this country as a child schools taught America the melting pot. The Liberals, of course, have changed that. Now we are a mosaic, a salad, I'm told.

So, not to be too long-winded, I believe most folks who immigrate here, whatever their religion, want to become American. We can still hold people to that expectation. To live here as Americans and share our values. That is if we can properly school these pesky liberals on what it means to truly be American.

Will have to respond to the rest of your question later. I'm off to a holiday party this evening.