Author Topic: Sharyl Attkisson: White House Hiding Photos Taken Night Of Benghazi Attack [VIDEO]  (Read 220 times)

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Sharyl Attkisson: White House Hiding Photos Taken Night Of Benghazi Attack [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 4:04 PM 12/23/2014 In | No Comments

In an interview Tuesday morning with C-SPAN, former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson revealed that secret photos taken by the White House photographer have never been released to the public, and current White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was the one keeping them secret. (VIDEO: Sharyl Attkisson: Mainstream Media Too ‘Swayed By Propaganda’)

“One of the things my producer and I did early on to try to get clues, because you know they told us so little initially, we requested White House photos taken that night. Because if you know how the White House works, a photographer is omnipresent. He would have been there taking photographs in the Situation Room. He would have been taking photographs of the president that night. So we asked for the photos, which in my view, are public information. They are paid for with tax dollars, and they release them when they want them released and they are positive.

The Photo Office indicated initially– this was probably in October or November of 2012– that we could have the photos at the end of the day, and that never materialized. They suddenly started referring us a White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest, who is now press secretary. And they said that Josh would have to approve it, and Josh would never return a call or e-mail.

We would try to maintain communication with him or try to make communication with him over a long period of time, and he wouldn’t even answer. We would go back to the White House press, photographer’s office and say, ‘You have given us an impossible task. You have told us to talk to someone who will not talk to us. You need to give us another route to follow to try and get these photos.’ And they would say no, you have to talk to Josh Earnest.

So that just went down a dead-end road. I think that is entirely unacceptable. The press officers work for the public. They are publicly paid to be responsive to the press and the public. Those White House photos belong to the public, in my view, to the extent that they wouldn’t reveal any national secrets. To this day, they remain secret.”

[h/t Breitbart]

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