Author Topic: FLASHBACK: De Blasio Aide Tweeted ‘F***. The. Police,’ Another Dated Anti-Cop Ex-Con  (Read 301 times)

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FLASHBACK: De Blasio Aide Tweeted ‘F***. The. Police,’ Another Dated Anti-Cop Ex-Con

Posted By Chuck Ross On 4:54 PM 12/23/2014 In | No Comments

Kicy Motley, the director of the Brooklyn community affairs unit working for New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, has a history of making anti-cop statements, and Rachel Noerdlinger, the former chief of staff to de Blasio’s wife, lived with a convicted killer who has expressed a deep dislike for police officers.

Both of these staffers’ histories have previously been reported, but they take on new significance as de Blasio is being heavily criticized for incubating an anti-cop environment which many believe encouraged 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley to shoot and kill two NYPD cops Saturday.

Earlier this year, de Blasio, a Democrat, hired Motley to direct the Brooklyn office of the community affairs unit, even though last year she was found to have made anti-cop statements on social media.

The New York Post reported in March 2013 and again this year on Motley’s offensive Twitter comments.

“NYPD fatally shoot knife-wielding man in Times Square. (VIDEO) F–k. The. Police,” Motley wrote on Aug. 11, 2012, of the police shooting death of Darrius Kennedy, The Post reported.

Motley’s postings were discovered after the de Blasio mayoral campaign hired her on as a regional field director in March, 2013.

Motley also supported Chris Dorner, the ex-LAPD cop who killed four people, including three police officers, in a shooting rampage in California in Feb. 2013. Dorner had claimed he was fired from the police force due to racism.

“There’s a part of me rooting for #Dorner. This racist, imperialist country gets the best of people sometimes. It makes some snap. #lapd,” Motley tweeted after Dorner went on his spree but before he ultimately killed himself at the end of a statewide manhunt.

After The Post reported her remarks, Motley deleted her Twitter account and apologized. The de Blasio campaign also issued an apology and said she was being disciplined.

Motley left her position as de Blasio’s regional field director in Nov. 2013, shortly after he won the mayoral election.

Despite her past remarks, de Blasio hired Motley as the Brooklyn community affairs unit director, where, according to her LinkedIn account, she still works.

Another de Blasio affiliate has close ties to anti-cop rhetoric.

Rachel Noerdlinger, a former aide to de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, failed to disclose her cohabitation with Hassaun McFarlane, her ex-convict boyfriend.

“I cant come outside without the pigs f—— with me in the hood,” wrote McFarlane, DNAInfo reported in September. McFarlane also made anti-white and anti-woman statements on social media. He also attempted to run over a New Jersey state policeman last year while driving Noerdlinger’s car.

After resisting calls to fire her, de Blasio finally placed Noerdlinger, who is also a former aide to Rev. Al Sharpton, on an indefinite leave of absence last month.

[h/t Lachlan Markay]

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