Author Topic: “I Have to Admit, as a Supporter, Obamacare was Built on a Foundation of Lies.”  (Read 551 times)

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“I Have to Admit, as a Supporter, Obamacare was Built on a Foundation of Lies.”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 14, 2014 @ 2:16 pm In The Point | 8 Comments

But at least it was built out of the best dishonest bricks that a billion dollars could buy.

Gruber’s videos have, if nothing else, have gotten some liberals to begin backing slowly away from ObamaCare. This latest comes from Ron Fournier at the National Journal.

He called you stupid. He admitted that the White House lied to you. Its officials lied to all of us—Republicans, Democrats, and independents; rich and poor; white and brown; men and women.

Liberals should be the angriest. Not only were they personally deceived, but the administration’s dishonest approach to health care reform has helped make Obamacare unpopular while undermining the public’s faith in an activist government. A double blow to progressives.

And a useful reminder to the rest of us what progs actually are.

And so even I have to admit, as a supporter, that Obamacare was built and sold on a foundation of lies. No way around it, unless you’re willing to accept a political system that colors its lies—the reds, the whites, and the blues.

Rush Limbaugh commented...

It sounds to me like what Gruber actually is saying, they had to lie because of the stupidity of the media.  They had to lie so as not to blow up the media bubble that they had created.  The media was all-in.  The media was thinking it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. The media and the left thought it was compassion central, gonna take care of the poor and the downtrodden, the hungry and the thirsty.  And if the truth had come out… look at Fournier’s reaction today.  What if Fournier had this reaction in 2009?  What if others in the media had this reaction they had yesterday and today in 2009?

What if in 2009 the media: “Wait a minute, you guys are lying to us”?


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