Author Topic: Obama’s Global Warming Deal w/China Isn’t Actually Binding on China  (Read 319 times)

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Obama’s Global Warming Deal w/China Isn’t Actually Binding on China

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 12, 2014 @ 12:01 pm In The Point | 65 Comments

The media is covering the so-called Climate Change Pact with China like it’s the new Munich agreement. Actually it couldn’t mean less than if it had been signed by Joe Biden and a drunken panda.

Because it’s not like it’s actually binding on China.

“The statement is an upbeat signal to motivate other countries but the timeline China has committed to is not a binding target,” said Li Junfeng, an influential Chinese climate policy adviser linked to China’s state planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission.

But at least China is promising to do something? Nope.

The peak date was also in line with forecasts already made by several state-backed think-tanks, with the China Academy of Social Sciences saying in a study last week that slowing rates of urbanisation would likely mean that industrial emissions would peak around 2025-2030 and start to fall by 2040.

So this is what China expects to happen anyway because it’s running out of farmers to move into empty cities to work in factories building cheap junk for America.

“Today’s announcement is the political breakthrough we’ve been waiting for,” said Timothy E. Wirth, former U.S. Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs and the vice chairman of the United Nations Foundation.

“If the two biggest players on climate are able to get together, from two very different perspectives, the rest of the world can see that it’s possible to make real progress,” he said in a statement.

China grudgingly agreed to help give Obama a political boost at home without actually doing anything. So what did Obama promise China in exchange for that little publicity stunt?

And how much of a price will we pay for it?

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