Author Topic: Rehana, The Famous Female Kurdish Fighter Responsible for 100 ISIS Deaths, Has Been Beheaded  (Read 564 times)

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Rehana, The Famous Female Kurdish Fighter Responsible for 100 ISIS Deaths, Has Been Beheaded

By Dave the Sage on October 26, 2014   • ( 3 )

This is the female Kurdish fighter known only as ‘Rehana’ and reportedly she has killed over one hundred Islamic State militants. The incredible statistic was outlined in a tweet by journalist Pawan Durani and has gathered thousands of retweets since it was posted October 13th.

A woman known as “Rehana”  become a hero across the internet as news spread that the Kobani soldier has reportedly killed more than 100 Islamic State terrorists single-handedly.

Rehana became famous in Kurdish Twitter circles after a photo of her giving a peace sign began to circulate on the social network.

Rehana has killed more than a hundred #ISIS terrorists in #Kobane . RT and make her famous for her bravery
— Pawan Durani (@PawanDurani) October 13, 2014

However, recent reports by various different sources including The International Business Times claim that the heroine has since been captured and executed.

ISIS has now gleefully circulated a purported photo of her ‘decapitated body.’  While this is still yet to be officially confirmed it does appear to be true and no evidence or word has come out that she has survived the battle of Kobani.

If true, she will join heralded and remembered much like Kurdish fighter Dilar Gencxemis who blew herself up in an attack the Islamic State outside of Kobani which killed dozens of ISIS fighters.

Fundamentalist jihadists fear a woman on the battlefield. They believe if they die in jihad, they will be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven. If they are killed by a woman however, they are denied their virgins..

Rehana was part of an independent women’s battalion of the Peshmerga, or Kurdish militia, who are known for their fearlessness and effectiveness in war. The YPJ is an all-female, independent militia which at the frontline takes up arms alongside the males of the People’s Protection Units. She was under the command of the famed female soldier Mayssa Abdo, who herself has become famous for running the operation to keep the Syrian border town of Kobani out of the hands of the Islamic State.

isis kobane female soldiersFrom a pro-Kurdish website.

ISIS also posted a photo of a beheaded female Kurdish soldier in Kobane.

The woman was reportedly a brave Kurdish fighter – and a mother.While beauty kills• While motherhood die• When love ends• The most heinous crime• No worse than that• _ #SaveKobani Embedded image permalink

Thank you Rehana for your bravery and willingness to both kill and be killed fighting this particular manifestation of Islamic fundamentalist evil that has raped and slaughtered its way across your homeland. May your bravery, story, and sacrifice be an inspiration to a great many others in this fight.


« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 12:29:00 pm by rangerrebew »