Author Topic: Bergdahl Investigation Is Finished But Don’t Count On Getting The Truth  (Read 619 times)

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Bergdahl Investigation Is Finished But Don’t Count On Getting The Truth

Lt. Col. (Retired) Allen West  —   October 17, 2014 
The truth is finally coming out about the investigation of Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl but as usual, truth is something progressive socialists shun. Not that there was a need for another investigation – all they had to do was open up the classified investigative report at the Pentagon completed back in 2010.

However, as reported by Reuters, this new investigation “into the circumstances surrounding the capture of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl by Taliban militants in Afghanistan has been completed, but it is unclear when the military will finish its report, the Pentagon said on Tuesday. Pentagon spokesman Army Colonel Steve Warren said Major General Kenneth Dahl had submitted his initial report to the military chain of command for review. Warren said there was no way of telling when the review process would be completed. The Pentagon appointed Dahl to investigate the case, determine if Bergdahl had broken military rules and recommend punishment if appropriate. “The investigating officer has done his work but now that work is moving through the Army system, and at each stop … there will … be questions, requirements for clarification,” Warren told reporters. “So it’s working its way through the system as would any other investigation.”

So why wouldn’t the “most transparent administration in history” want to release the investigation findings and put the matter behind it? Well, that’s obvious. Bowe Bergdahl deserted his assigned place of duty in a combat zone and was apprehended by the enemy – not captured. That is the fact, which we all know, but the Obama administration can’t afford to have this “inconvenient truth” revealed three weeks before the midterm elections – thereby opening up a new can of worms for Democrats to respond to in these final crucial weeks.

How damaging would it be for the American public to know that Obama unilaterally and unconstitutionally released five senior members of the Taliban at a time when the enemy is still fighting our troops?

And just as a reminder, according to the Constitution – Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 – the Congress is granted the enumerated power to make laws and rules in matters concerning those captured on land or water – NOT the president. Even the Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency, said in August that the Defense Department – of Obama administration – had violated U.S. law by failing to alert Congress before releasing five Taliban members held at Guantanamo Bay military prison in exchange for Bergdahl.

What I found hilarious was the Left tried to accuse me of being some “flip flopper” on securing Bergdahl’s repatriation. I have no issue with his return, but he MUST be prosecuted for deserting his post and even worse, forcing other Soldiers to conduct search and recovery operations resulting in the death of several. We should never negotiate with terrorists – and that’s what the Taliban are. And can someone explain why Obama isn’t doing anything to secure the release of Marine SGT Andrew Tahmooressi?

Bergdahl’s desertion isn’t debatable but the concern has to be whether this investigation report findings will be delayed due to political purposes – or completely dismissed. And if dismissed, it means a deserter would receive thousands of dollars of “back pay” and benefits of which his is not deserving.

The Bergdahl incident is just another embarrassing case for Obama. And let us not forget the insidious comments of Susan Rice on a Sunday talk show – why do they keep wheeling her out? – who stated Bergdahl had served with honor and distinction!

As stated, the progressive socialist Left sees Bergdahl as a hero and that was why his parents received a White House Rose Garden ceremony. And who was so incompetent that Obama wasn’t advised it would be best to keep this silent due to the mystery surrounding Bergdahl’s “disappearance?”

Obama said this was an immediate issue of Bergdahl’s health – well, thanks to the Taliban, we were all able to see just how healthy Bergdahl was as he walked to the helicopter. We also saw how vulnerable the pick up site was to our special operations forces.

This is a bad situation for Obama all ‘round and it would be best to just come clean. But hey, it’s better this way because Obama continually provides plenty of thought-provoking material as a result of his inept progressive agenda and constant blunders. Even far left writer Eugene Robinson is declaring Obama suffers from self-inflicted delusion.

So, let us all come to these sane conclusions. ISIS is on the offense, isn’t being degraded and is so far winning. Bowe Bergdahl is a deserter and Obama is doing everything to delay or hide the truth. Marine SGT Andrew Tahmooressi has been abandoned by Obama. And five senior members of the Taliban are free and will return to Afghanistan just months from now in 2015 while we will still have American troops in harm’s way.

All this kinda reminds me of the disturbingly sarcastic song by Devo, “Beautiful World.”