Author Topic: Chicago High School Named After Obama Denounced as Racist  (Read 198 times)

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Chicago High School Named After Obama Denounced as Racist
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:55:55 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Chicago High School Named After Obama Denounced as Racist

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 19, 2014 @ 6:47 pm In The Point | 5 Comments

“Mommy, why is the sky blue?” “Because it’s racist.”

“Why is the ocean blue?” “Because it’s also racist.”


This story is insane even by the standards of the left, but I’m not sure that the left has insanity standards. That’s why this happened.

Rahm Emanuel backed off Thursday from naming a new elite high school after President Barack Obama amid ongoing criticism from African-Americans who felt the honor inappropriate for a school slated for a wealthy, predominantly white part of the Near North Side.

Powerful far South Side Ald. Carrie Austin, who represents part of the Roseland neighborhood where Obama worked as a community organizer before getting into politics, said she told Emanuel shortly after the announcement that the name was a problem given where it would be built.

“If they’re going to name a school after President Obama they should put it somewhere else,” Austin said Thursday. “Either in Roseland, where he got his start, or in the Hyde Park area, where he lived and has a home. To put it (on the near North Side), that just doesn’t look right.”

Outside Kenwood Academy High School, just blocks from the Obama family home, Safe Passage worker Elaine Jones said the president’s name should adorn a school in a more diverse neighborhood.

“He was the first black president. It should be in a more or less minority community,” Jones said.

Obviously. It’s not like he’s the President of the rest of the country or the country.

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