Author Topic: Obama to Partner with Islamists Iran & Saudi Arabia against ISIS – What Could Go Wrong?  (Read 409 times)

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Obama to Partner with Islamists Iran & Saudi Arabia against ISIS – What Could Go Wrong?

Posted By Freedom Outpost On September 12, 2014 @ 1:00 pm In Editor's Choice,Featured,Perspectives,Political Gamesmanship,War and Conflict | No Comments

middle-east-shouts-death-to-america-e1383695112530 [1]

By Suzanne Hamner

As it has been pointed out previously, Islam is Islam [2] and Islam is the enemy of the freedom and liberty celebrated by western civilization. In order to fight an enemy, one has to be able to identify the enemy. Unfortunately, elected officials in Washington seem to be lacking in gray matter to do this [3].

Obama is poised to increase the air strikes against ISIS, but a formal strategy to combat ISIS may rely on partnering with Saudi Arabia and Iran [4] – two rival Muslim powerhouses [5].Saudi Arabia [6] is a Sunni Muslim kingdom who is fond of beheadings while Iran [7] is a Shia dominant state [8] that executes thousands of dissidents. According to so-called foreign policy analysts, “these partners are vital to any serious effort to weaken the Islamic State.”

Here, in a summary, are the issues at hand from foreign policy experts.

The Sunni powers are nervous about the Islamic State but skeptical of throwing in with the United States unless there’s a real commitment to securing more Sunni politicalrepresentation in Iraq and more support for moderate rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria. The Americans counter that the Sunni leaders also have room for improvement, starting with the need to crack down on the networks that send money and fighters from the Persian Gulf states to the Islamic State, which now controls roughly half of Iraq and a third of Syria.

The Arab monarchs may bring up the fact that any opposition to the Islamic State in Syria [9] would help the forces of the Assad regime.

The Iranians, who are predominantly Shia, would be fighting the Sunni Islamic State, but there is Turkey that could decide to broker a deal with ISIS [10] because of the vast amounts of territory IS controls. (Editor’s Note: Earlier today Turkey declined Obama’s request to use its airbases for air strikes aimed at Syria.) According to one expert, Iran is basically the hinge and “what Iran does now will determine to what extent the other Gulf and Arab states will more visibly accept its role.”

Jordan’s King Abdullah II is forming a “special task force to deal with the Islamic State” and more than 70 suspected jihadis have been arrested. However, the monarch is facing domestic pressure demanding that Jordan [11] stay out of the fight against ISIS.

Dotted throughout the Middle Eastern Arab Muslim countries are pockets of support for the Islamic State [12] which further complicates the formal responses of these Islamic government nations.

Basically, the US must align with some form of Islam [13] or a portion of both sects in order to combat ISIS, or so it goes according to foreign policy experts. One could say that the US foreign policy of the last few decades has brought us to trying to formulate an elixir by mixing volatile ingredients to counter a pandemic virus [14]. Granted, this may be an over-simplification of the situation; but it doesn’t change the position the US has created for itself.

The US is certainly on top of things and sending their brightest and most adept diplomat to negotiate. If only that were the case. John Kerry [15] is headed for visits to Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The region is volatile because of the volatility of Islam. Regardless of which country it is, which sect of Islam it is or who is outwardly friendly to the US, the teachings of Islam regards westerners as infidels deserving of death should they not convert, pay a tax or agree to be enslaved. Followers of Islam engage in taqiyyah or lying in order to hide their true intent.

It has been reported that Saudi Arabia [16] has funded terrorist groups in the past [17]. Iran has called for the death of America [8]. Yet, the ability for the US to defeat ISIS rests with these two nations, according to policy experts. Neither country will join the US unless each is getting something in return. That’s how it works. In the end, the US ends up trying to “play both sides” while being stuck in the middle. Everyone should know how that turns out.

Meanwhile, the wheels on the bus go round and round as the US struggles to identify the enemy, while aligning with the enemy. The plain and simple truth is the enemy is Islam; Islam is Islam [18]. As long as the government refuses to see this [19], the US will continue to create manure in its foreign policy, then step in it and complain about it while trying to clean the manure off its feet, all the while trying to remove the egg on its face.

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.

Recommended Reading:


Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can’t Ignore [20]
Not Peace but a Sword- The Great Chasm between Christianity and Islam [21]

Religion of Peace?: Islam’s War Against the World [22]

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple [23]

Contributed by Freedom Outpost of [24].

Article printed from The Daily Sheeple:

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URLs in this post:

[1] Image:

[2] Islam is Islam:

[3] lacking in gray matter to do this:

[4] formal strategy to combat ISIS may rely on partnering with Saudi Arabia and Iran:

[5] two rival Muslim powerhouses:

[6] Saudi Arabia:

[7] Iran:

[8] Shia dominant state:

[9] Islamic State in Syria:

[10] Turkey that could decide to broker a deal with ISIS:

[11] Jordan:

[12] Islamic State:

[13] some form of Islam:

[14] a pandemic virus:

[15] John Kerry:

[16] Saudi Arabia:

[17] has funded terrorist groups in the past:

[18] Islam is Islam:

[19] As long as the government refuses to see this:

[20] Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can’t Ignore:

[21] Not Peace but a Sword- The Great Chasm between Christianity and Islam:

[22] Religion of Peace?: Islam’s War Against the World:

[23] The Daily Sheeple:
