Author Topic: The Biggest Case of Welfare Fraud in America  (Read 291 times)

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The Biggest Case of Welfare Fraud in America
« on: August 22, 2014, 02:01:21 pm »
The Biggest Case of Welfare Fraud in America

in News / by Brandon Walker / on August 21, 2014 at 2:01 pm /

The Biggest Case of Welfare Fraud in America

We all know that there are people that take advantage of the system. May we present to you what may be the biggest case of welfare fraud in America.

It seems that many people take advantage of the system. From Cash Aide assistance for illegals in California, to Restaurant owners buying food with food stamps, it seems that our welfare system is in no short supply of fraud. It is even estimated that 8 million people receive fraudulent benefits collecting SSI/SSD, welfare, and food stamps while they are in prefect health to work, while millions of disabled Veterans can not get the assistance or benefits they need.

But there is one case that stands out as one of the biggest, if not the biggest, cases of welfare fraud in America.

When Jesse Jackson Jr., son of the famed “Reverend” Jesse Jackson, was sentenced in a case of misusing $750,000 of campaign funds, his defense lawyers pleaded that he had no other income to survive on “other than Social Security payments and Federal Employee Retirement System payments.”

When the Chicago Tribune questioned the attorneys, they refused to answer a year ago. So they, and other news outlets like Breitbart, started to do some digging.

It seems that when he resigned as a Congressman, all of a sudden after 17 years in Congress, campaigning, and seeking the lime light, he disappeared right during the heart of his criminal indictment process. His office later released a statement that he was “exhausted.” Daddy Jackson and his family found a doctor that signed off on paperwork that fast tracked his son’s claim of mental illness.
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Jackson was too young to draw his retirement from the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) from being in Congress for 17 years. In order to have retired early, he would have to be 65 or served in the system 20 years. However, with this newly discovered “mood disorder,” he was eligible for early retirement under disability. That means he was eligible for $104,000 or $8,700 a month for the first year and $69,600, or roughly $5,800 a month, thereafter.

It also entitles him to his Social Security Disability payments. With most people in the United States, that amounts to roughly between $900 and $1800 a month, depending on the job and pay rate when they were disabled, but the Jackson Family attorneys made sure their “mood disorder” suffering son received a package of $45,000 a year. That is roughly $3,750 a month on top of his federal pension.

While his payments are technically “suspended,” the money is still being put in his account. Jackson Jr., a man that plead guilty to tax trouble and misuse of campaign funds, is still being paid his “federal disability” for “mood disorders” with no prior history of mental illness while he serves his 2.5 year prison sentence on the charges.

That also means for the first year he made $12, 450 per month, and for the next year and a half he will make $9550 per month, all while serving time on criminal money charges in a federal prison.

A disabled combat veteran at 50% disability makes $900 a month, or roughly $10,800 a year. He/she goes through miles of red tape, and one phone call from the VA giving Social Security false information illegally and not providing medical records to the review panel costs 30% of his/her back pay, if the lawyers ever get it strait. The VA is even worse with red tape, and no lawyer wants to touch it. He/she fought for the country and deserves their benefits.

Meanwhile, a convicted felon who was busted on money charges receives more in “entitlements” than the veteran receives in a year, all while serving time in a federal penitentiary.

Anyone else see a problem with this system?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 02:02:20 pm by rangerrebew »