Author Topic: UN just like US Constitution: Great law/limit gone forever until Orwellian-criminal ‘leaders’ arrested  (Read 254 times)

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UN just like US Constitution: Great law/limit gone forever until Orwellian-criminal ‘leaders’ arrested

Posted By Contributing Author On August 18, 2014 @ 8:45 am In Editor's Choice,Featured,Headlines & Head Lies,International,Lead Story,News,Political Gamesmanship,War and Conflict | 3 Comments

Burning_Constitution-220x220 [1]

A law is a limit of what actions are allowed among groups of people. Laws/limits are natural expressions to support group actions, such as rules to allow a sport to be played, having traffic going in the same direction on one side of the road for efficiency and safety, and community trash-pickup services with a day of the week to expect pickups.

The UN Charter and US Constitution are laws/limits upon government power to support what most people agree are essential outcomes for a national and international community: strict limitations on war, and upholding Natural Rights [2]. The ideas of limited government [3] and constitutional republic [4] are central to American government and values. The very definition of “United States” is our constitution.

The American Revolution, Declaration of Independence [5], and US Constitution are all heroic expressions to keep government within clear limits because the alternative to limited government is unlimited government; that is, dictatorial power to do whatever is dictated/said.

Americans continue an Emperor’s New Clothes [6]-like awakening that the UN Charter and US Constitution limits have long been rejected by our “leaders’” preference for dictatorial power. In use of military armed attacks, these violations are not even close to lawful. In this one area of law to limit governments from war-murders, it’s easy to explain and prove that US/UK [7]/Israel [8] armed attacks are OBVIOUS unlawful Wars of Aggression:
•The UN Charter is an active treaty [9]. It’s one and only area of legal authority is to prevent Wars of Aggression.
•Article Six of the US Constitution [10] defines a treaty as US “supreme Law of the Land;” meaning that US policy can never violate it.
•Therefore, the UN Charter is US “supreme Law” to never use military armed attacks upon a nation in all cases except a narrow definition of “self-defense”: when another nation’s government attacks first.
•The UK and Israel ratified the UN Charter over 60 years ago in agreement to its limits of armed attacks.

This treaty is the legal victory of all our families’ sacrifices in WW2 that makes Wars of Aggression/Wars of Choice unlawful. The still-active treaty after WW1, the Kellogg-Briand Pact [9] is even stronger in language to forbid nations to ever use armed attack as national policy.

When US “leaders” egregiously violate almost every single limit to power within the Constitution [11], including UN treaty limits in endless wars, the meanings of the US Constitution and UN Charter are destroyed.

Those of us with Oaths to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” [12] are honor-bound to expose and end these Orwellian crimes.

The US Constitution and UN Charter’s limits to government power are gone forever until such time as Americans:
1.Realize their Emperor’s New Clothes [6] position,
2.State the OBVIOUS fact that US “leaders” are War Criminals engaged in Wars of Aggression (and UK [7], Israel [8], and other former imperial-power-crazed governments [13]),
3.Demand arrests as lawful response [14] to restore those explicit limits to government power, stop the War Crimes, and prevent further war-murders.

US/UK/Israel lie-starting and unlawful Wars of Aggression for empire mirror the tragic-comic corruption of the Roman Empire [15]. The future of these nations will mirror ancient Rome: decline into ever-greater oligarchic plutocracy, corruption, and eventual destruction in one form or another unless public demand intervenes.

Further evidence to support public demand for lawful arrests to stop the biggest crime on Earth (among~100 crucial areas [16] of crimes):
•People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace [17]; voted three times more dangerous than any other country.
•The data confirm this conclusion: since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them. [18]
•These US-started armed attacks have killed ~30 million [19] and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent [18] children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men.
•The US has war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis [20].
•US official reports now confirm all “reasons” the US told for current armed attacks were known to be false as they were told [13]
•These lie-started US wars are not even close to lawful (again: here [21], here [6], here [22], here [23]).
•US wars and rhetoric for more wars continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression [24]. The most decorated US Marine general in his day warned all Americans [25] of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder.
•Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, chided Pulitzer-winning journalist, Ron Suskind, that government will continue in these actions [26] to “create our own reality.”

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple [27]

Contributed by Carl Herman of Washington’s Blog [28].

Article printed from The Daily Sheeple:

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URLs in this post:

[1] Image:

[2] Natural Rights:

[3] limited government:

[4] republic:

[5] Declaration of Independence:

[6] Emperor’s New Clothes:

[7] UK:

[8] Israel:

[9] UN Charter is an active treaty:

[10] Article Six of the US Constitution:

[11] egregiously violate almost every single limit to power within the Constitution:

[12] Oaths to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”:

[13] former imperial-power-crazed governments:

[14] Demand arrests as lawful response:

[15] tragic-comic corruption of the Roman Empire:

[16] ~100 crucial areas:

[17] US as the greatest threat to peace:

[18] Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them.:

[19] killed ~30 million:

[20] US has war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis:

[21] here:

[22] here:

[23] here:

[24] long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression:

[25] most decorated US Marine general in his day warned all Americans:

[26] Karl Rove, chided Pulitzer-winning journalist, Ron Suskind, that government will continue in these actions:

[27] The Daily Sheeple:

[28] Washington’s Blog: