Author Topic: “Stop the Killing” Protesters Chant for Death of Police Officer Darren Wilson  (Read 467 times)

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“Stop the Killing” Protesters Chant for Death of Police Officer Darren Wilson

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 18, 2014 @ 11:31 am In The Point | 9 Comments

(via Gateway Pundit)

The cognitive dissonance is truly something to behold. On the one hand they’ve got their “Stop the Killing” signs. On the other hand they’re chanting for death. Or maybe they want Officer Darren Wilson to be deaf.

There’s only so many possibilities and few of them seem to be good.

They’re absolutely against killing. Unless it’s someone they want to see dead.

The protesters told reporters, “We won’t stop until Darren Wilson gets the death penalty.”

So on the one hand we’ve got the whole “hands up” routine which is the new hoodie. On the other we’ve got blatant violence.

We’ve got thugs playing the victim. And that’s a fitting summary of this whole farce.

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