Author Topic: In the Name of Humanity  (Read 363 times)

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In the Name of Humanity
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:47:06 pm »

In the Name of Humanity

Posted on August 17, 2014   

  Justin O. Smith:

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, under the command of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is evil incarnate, and, more than a threat to Christians and America, it represents a new global threat, which was a foreseeable consequence of arming the “rebels”, Al Qaeda, in Syria. Having burst forth as a product of the Syrian civil war and the U.S. premature withdrawal from Iraq on Obama’s orders, ISIS now seeks to expand the area it already controls, approximately an area the size of Great Britain, through violence and terror, beheading all unlike them __ liberal Muslims, Christians, and Yazidis __ raping the women and murdering entire families; they are destroying all who do not accept their vision of an Islamic state, their declared Caliphate, as they give them the ultimatum of “convert or die.” And now, this genocide of historic proportions demands that the U.S. and the free world exterminate the dire threat from ISIS through all the military might they can muster.

Obama, ever sympathetic to Sunni Muslims, more than likely illegally and surreptitiously armed the so-called “rebels” in Syria by late 2011 from Libya, as strong evidence suggests. Conclusive evidence from U.S. officials and Syrian figures reveals the CIA and U.S. Special Forces delivered weapons to the rebels, mostly Al Qaeda affiliates, around September 1, 2013, according to the Washington Post (9/11/13).

Many war weary Americans did not want to intervene in Syria’s civil war last year, including myself, since many of us, along with many government officials, believed Bashar al-Assad could be deterred and eventually removed through better alternatives, than arming the rebels, as Senator John McCain advocated. Now the very circumstances, of which some, such as Lt Col Ralph Peters, warned and America sought to avoid, have developed, and ISIS murder and mayhem cuts a swath across the Middle East, due to Obama’s unilateral actions.

Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the self-appointed Caliph of the Islamic State and a one-time prisoner at Guantanamo Bay detention camp, leads somewhere near 35,000 well-armed and trained jihadist warriors, and he has steadfastly worked to redraw  the map of the Middle East. He swiftly led ISIS into Iraq around June with an army led by former Baath Party military and military intelligence from Saadam’s old regime. As they closed within 25 miles of Baghdad, they suddenly veered north and took Mosul on June 10th, and its dam on August 7th, routing the Kurdish Peshmerga (regional army) and creating tens of thousands of refugees in the face of their onslaught, mostly from the Yazidi minority.

At least 40,000 Yazidis took refuge in nine locations on Mount Sinjar, as ISIS hordes advanced on the town of Sinjar the first week of August, and approximately 130,000 more have fled to Dohuk, in the Kurdish north, and Irbil, once it became obvious ISIS was heading towards them; nearly all 300,000 residents have left, since ISIS Islamofascists stormed Sinjar on August 3rd and delivered their inhuman message of “convert or die.”

During an August 7th interview of Mark Arabo, a California businessman and a leader of Chaldean Catholics in America, when CNN’s Jonathan Mann seemed to be in disbelief and startled by his narrative, Arabo repeated his facts slowly (numerous videos support his account): “They are systematically beheading children. The world hasn’t seen evil like this for generations. There’s actually a park in Mosul where the actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick …. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes you can think of.”

Also on August 7th, Obama answered the cries of many refugees, who had said “no one is coming to help”, with “Well, we (the U.S.) are coming to help”, as he authorized a series of bombing raids on ISIS positions and supply drops of food and water to those encircled and besieged Yazidis on Mt Sinjar. Subsequently, 114,000 meals and 35,000 gallons of water were soon dropped by the U.S., followed by British cargo planes that dropped essential supplies and 16,000 more liters of water on August 11th.

As of August 15th (Friday), the ISIS siege was still in place and their perimeter had only withdrawn a couple of miles due to U.S. bombing, despite claims by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on August 13th that “we broke the siege at Mt Sinjar,” although Yazidi and Kurdish Peshmerga rescue teams had been able to move some civilians on August 10th to Kurdish controlled territory, near Fishkabour.

Iraqi Member of Parliament and a Yazidi, Vian Dakhil, who has been inconstant contact with Yazidi leaders trapped on Mt Sinjar, was recently injured in a helicopter crash, as she attempted to reach her people. She suggested (8/15/14) that the U.S. military assessment team visited the only side of Sinjar accessible by helicopter, the north side, leaving the real plight of nearly 80,000 more Yazidis on the south side unseen.

“We are being slaughtered, annihilated,” MP Vian Dakhil declared, as reported by the Middle East Research Institute. “An entire religion is being wiped off the face of the Earth. Brothers, I am calling out to you in the name of humanity ___ In the name of humanity save us!” And she then soon broke down in tears.

The world is witnessing a genocide of Christians that promises to surpass the Turkish slaughter of two million Armenian Christians (1915-1918). One and a half million Christians present in Iraq in 2003 have now been reduced to less than 400,000, according to Ablahad Afraim, the head of the Chaldean Democratic Union Party, who based this assessment on international reports and church records; this rising genocide of Christians in the Islamic world, whether in Iraq, West Africa or South Asia ought to cause a global alarm that makes this the most significant human rights challenge of this era.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s parting message to his U.S. guards at Guantanamo Bay detention camp was a vow that “we’ll see you in New York,” and one of his spokesmen recently declared that ISIS will “raise the flag of Allah in the White House.”

Obama is truly a pathetic commander-in-chief whose curious actions, as well as his inaction, may well allow Abu Baghdadi to rebuild the Islamic Caliphate in the Levant and a terrorist base of operations, unless PM Tony Abbott of Australia, PM Stephen Harper of Canada, PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and PM David Cameron of the U.K. unite to stop him, since they seem more inclined to do so than Obama. Obama seems to think a supply drop or two and a few F-18 airstrikes is enough.

Seeing what ISIS has done in Iraq, one quickly realizes they would gladly do whatever they could to deeply injure America again, and ISIS represents a direct threat to the U.S. and humanity. This is genocide pure and simple. America sees it and knows it as genocide, and as such, it is imperative that the U.S. and the world take vigorous military action against ISIS and all possible measures to prevent this massacre of minorities in Iraq. And with more than vigilance and 130 advisors, the U.S. and its allies should send 130 bombers and 130,000 soldiers to run ISIS into the ground, utterly destroy them and kill them mercilessly with extreme prejudice, just as they did entire Christian communities.