Author Topic: California Parents Protest Against “ropes, handcuffs, sex toys and vibrators” in 9th Grade Curriculum  (Read 606 times)

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California Parents Protest Against “ropes, handcuffs, sex toys and vibrators” in 9th Grade Curriculum

Posted By Kimberly Paxton On August 14, 2014 @ 2:00 pm In Editor's Choice,Education,Featured | 9 Comments

whipped_cream-4321 [1]

A group of parents in the San Jose area strongly objected to the curriculum of this year’s 9th grade health class.  For some reason, they seem to think that 13 and 14 year olds don’t need to learn about bondage and sadomasochism at school.

School board members voted Wednesday to delay a final decision on whether to keep the book, “Your Health Today,” so they could work with its publisher on some of the content, the San Jose Mercury News reported [2].

Officials plan to return in January with a report addressing changes made to the more controversial chapters of the book. Until then, Supt. Jim Morris announced this week, students enrolled in health classes at the district’s high schools would continue to use old text material.

The action comes after about 2,500 parents and residents demanded [3] that “Your Health Today” be kept out of classrooms, fearing come of its content would expose teens to topics on sexual fantasies and sex games, as well as themes that include ropes, handcuffs, sex toys and vibrators. (source [4])

Superintendent Morris defended the adoption of the offending textbook, saying that the school district wanted to teach “state standards in an age-appropriate and objective manner.”

California State Standards

Wait a minute….S&M is part of the state standards?

According to the official California Department of Education standards document [5], these are the concepts that are to be included in 9th Grade health class:

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.1.G Explain physical, social, and emotional changes associated with adolescence.
 1.2.G Summarize the human reproduction cycle.
 1.3.G Explain the effectiveness of abstinence in preventing HIV, other STDs, and unintended
 1.4.G Explain how conception occurs, the stages of pregnancy, and the responsibilities
 associated with parenting.
 1.5.G Explain the effectiveness of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives in
 preventing HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy.2
 1.6.G Identify the short- and long-term effects of HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.3
 1.7.G Identify ways to prevent or reduce the risk of contracting HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.4
 1.8.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development, physical
 appearance, gender roles, and sexual orientation.5
 1.9.G Explain why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact.
 1.10.G Describe the emotional, psychological, and physical consequences of rape and sexual
 1.11.G Explain why rape and sexual assault should be reported to authorities and trusted
 1.12.G Describe responsible prenatal and child care, including California’s Safely Surrendered
 Baby Law.6
 1.13.G Evaluate the benefits to mother, father, and child when teenagers wait until adulthood
 to become parents.

I read this a couple of times, and I still can’t find the part where it mentions whips, chains, and handcuffs.  Of course, I don’t have a degree in education like Superintendent Morris does, so I may just be suffering from a poorer understanding and an inability to read between the lines and find references to kinky sex.

Doesn’t this make you wonder what the test at the end of that section consists of?

Maybe I’m a little old-fashioned, but I don’t think sexual fetishes and kink need to be introduced to 13 and 14 year olds in the classroom.

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Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple [8], is based out of upstate New York. You can follow Kimberly on Facebook [9] and Twitter [10].

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[2]  reported:

[3] about 2,500 parents and residents demanded:

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[5] official California Department of Education standards document:

[6] The Daily Sheeple:


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