Author Topic: Britain Reviewing Military Aid to Israel; Rewards Hamas  (Read 331 times)

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Britain Reviewing Military Aid to Israel; Rewards Hamas
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:03:00 am »

Britain Reviewing Military Aid to Israel; Rewards Hamas

By Aaron Goldstein on 8.4.14 | 9:28AM

This morning Jed Babbin draws our attention to the useful idiots giving aid and comfort to Hamas. He mentions the usual suspects - the Obama Administration, the UN Human Rights Council, prominent left-wing academic Cornel West, the crew at MSNBC's Morning Joe, several socialist Latin American governments and demonstrators in Europe, many of whom are Muslim.

Well, Babbin can now add Britain to that list. The Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition government headed up by David Cameron has ordered a review of all military aid to Israel due to Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.

Even if the review results in no changes in policy the damage has been done. The mere fact that Britain has made a point of announcing such a move rewards Hamas and guarantees they will continue to use civilians as human shields while punishing Israel for defending itself and trying to put an end to Hamas' genocidal objectives. It also has the cumulative effect of piling on Israel and further isolating it.

Israel is increasingly surrounded by morons who insist on dragging her into the cesspool of their creation. For shame.

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