Author Topic: Eight Things Starting With The Letter ‘I’ You Didn’t Know Are Racist  (Read 378 times)

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Eight Things Starting With The Letter ‘I’ You Didn’t Know Are Racist

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 8:17 PM 08/02/2014 In | No Comments

The Daily Caller’s Alphabet of Racism continues with yet another slew of racist stuff the world needs to know about. So here are eight things beginning with the letter ‘I’ that someone, somewhere has deemed racist.

An NPR piece explains why the Ice Cream truck song is “virulently” racist. One of the most commonly heard ice cream truck tunes is based off a 1916 track published by Columbia Records called “N***er Love A Watermelon Ha! Ha! Ha!,” by Harry C. Browne. That tune is based off of the melody of “Turkey in the Straw,” which in turn is based off of a traditional British song, “The (Old) Rose Tree.” Somewhere along the line an innocent tune was co-opted because racism.

Investigating black politicians is racist, according to Pennsylvania’s attorney general Kathleen Kane. In 2010, the state’s former attorney general Tom Corbett, who is now governor, investigated a bunch of Philadelphia politicians. In the course of the three year investigation four Democrats were caught for allegedly accepting bribes, The Inquirer reported. They were all black, and when Kane took office in 2013, she shut the investigation down, citing racism.

Impeaching U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is racist, according to MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor. When “PoliticsNation” host Al Sharpton asked Taylor in November whether “racial elements” were involved in a Republican push to impeach Holder, Taylor took the bait. “So what this is about is about fanning the flames of hatred and bigotry and pushing people to the polls on their behalf,” she said.

Impeaching President Obama is racist, according to Democratic strategist Angela Rye. “You don’t just fight to get the person out of office because you don’t like how they comb their hair, the color of their skin or the fact that they’re black in the White House,” Rye said in a conversation with MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation” host Al Sharpton in February. “That’s not what you do.”

The Chicago Teachers Union made it clear to Mayor Rahm Emanuel that improving a school full of black kids is racist. In March, the Chicago Board of Education announced a plan to turnaround three low-performing schools in predominantly black neighborhoods. The process meant replacing every teacher and at the failing schools, which of course irked the union, so it played the race card. “This is an attack on Black schools,” the union declared in an email obtained by The Daily Caller.

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir declared that the acronym IRS, which you might think is an identifier for Internal Revenue Service, is actually a racist code word. “Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House,” he declared in a June segment last year, and then explained why it’s the new N-word. “The IRS — three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean,” he said.

Tamera Mowry, who is not white, married Fox News correspondent Adam Housley in 2011, who is white. In an interview with Oprah posted to YouTube, the star of ’90s TV hit “Sister Sister” talks about the hatred she’s experienced for marrying outside her race. “[Critics] say, ‘back in the day you cost $300, but now you’re giving it to them for free,” Tamera explains. Tia, on the other hand, explains that she’s gotten criticized for not marrying a white man. So if you’re black and you marry a white person, you’re basically that person’s slave by another name, but if you don’t marry a white person, you’re racist, because interracial marriage is racist, except when it’s the solution to racism.

The word “incompetence” in reference to President Obama, or really any black person, is racist, according to Democratic Rep. James Clyburn. Criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for her potential role in the Benghazi scandal was full of racial code words, he said on CNN’s “Starting Point” in 2012. “Incompetent” was just one of the terms he mentioned. “We’ve been hearing these little words and phrases all of our lives,” he said, “and we get insulted by them.”



And don’t miss out on these other need-to-know letters of racism.

The Letter ‘A’

The Letter ‘B’

The Letter ‘C’

The Letter ‘D’

The Letter ‘E’

The Letter ‘F’

The Letter ‘G’

The Letter ‘H’

(h/t Everything is Racism)

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