Author Topic: Obama’s Request: 4x as Much to House Illegals as to Secure Border  (Read 232 times)

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Obama’s Request: 4x as Much to House Illegals as to Secure Border
Posted on July 15, 2014 by Cowboy Byte   

Security of the American people not a real concern for this president.
 Check it out:

Of the $3.7 billion in emergency funds President Obama requested of Congress last week to deal with the mounting immigration crisis at the southern U.S. border, $1.8 billion is earmarked for housing and medical services for illegal aliens.


That amount is more than four times the $433 million carved out for U.S. Border Patrol to help strengthen border security.

According to a breakdown by the White House, $1.8 billion in taxpayer dollars – more than half the total emergency funding – will go directly to the Department of Health and Human Services to improve the detention conditions for unaccompanied minors and family units with children, many of whom are currently being held in overcrowded makeshift shelters along the U.S. border.

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