Author Topic: MS-13 Gang Members Allowed into U.S., but Wife of Marine Veteran Thrown in Prison  (Read 342 times)

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MS-13 Gang Members Allowed into U.S., but Wife of Marine Veteran Thrown in Prison

Posted By Contributing Author On July 6, 2014 @ 7:00 am In Camps and Detainment,Editor's Choice,Featured,Interviews,News,People,Police State,Videos and Media | 14 Comments

Bronova-and-Price [1]

Oleksandra Bronova and her American husband, Bryan Price

While the Obama regime is rolling out the red carpet for illegal aliens as they cross our border, one woman found herself thrown in a high security prison. You see, this woman was not of Mexican descent. This woman was not of Central American descent. Oleksandra Bronova is a Ukrainian National and she was singled out by border agents as she tried to cross the border with her American husband.

Unlike the majority crossing the border, she knows English. In fact, she is a Cambridge graduate and actually speaks five languages. Also, unlike many crossing the border illegally, Bronova has no criminal history. Yet, she was arrested while known members of the notorious MS-13 gang have been granted entrance in their illegal crossing into America.

Many crossing the border are stating they are looking to be reunited with family. In many cases, those family ties are made up. This woman, however, is married to an American citizen, a former Marine, Bryan Price. He was with her when they were attempting to cross the border and she was apprehended.

Bronova left her country because of the danger in the war-torn area. Fearing for her safety, after her family fled the Ukraine, Price leased her a house in Juarez, Mexico. She had a visitors permit there and they planned to work on her U.S. visa paperwork.

As news of tens of thousands of people crossing the border became widespread, a friend suggested to Bronova and Price that they attempt to cross the border as well, stating they would likely be okay since Price is an American citizen.

After they legally married, they traveled to the Santa Teresa Bridge in El Paso with their marriage license and all other pertinent documents. That is when the nightmare began.

KFOX14  [2]reports on their story.

He said border agents immediately pulled the couple into a secondary room.

“They started to ask, ‘Well, why didn’t she finish her documents in the Ukraine?’ And I said, ‘Well, there’s a war in her region. That’s the reason why.’ And they started asking us why she just couldn’t return and I said, ‘Well, there’s still battling going on to this day there,’” Price said. “She was then handcuffed and taken into another room.”

Price said he spoke to the man who was processing them and said if there was a serious issue they would just go back to Juarez.

“He ignored me. About an hour later, he comes in, and gets me and says we’ve decided to detain her,” he said.

Price said the agents took his wife to an El Paso processing facility, which wasn’t unexpected.

However, things changed when he called the next morning.

“They informed me at that point that she had been moved to Otero federal prison facility — Otero unit one. Well, this is where things started to go very bad,” Price said.

Price said he was told El Paso facilities were filled to capacity, which is why Bronova was transferred.

He immediately drove to the Otero County Prison see her, and she greeted him shackled and chained.

“She was already shaken. When she came in the room it was (tears). I mean she was shaking and crying,” Price said.

That was the last time he saw his wife and he was told she was only allowed one visit per week. She also wouldn’t be able to make any phone calls.

Not surprisingly, Price said he is shocked at how his wife has been treated, thrown into a prison with murderers and rapists. He said, “I’m shocked, as a U.S. veteran and a former Marine that has fought for this country, I’m appalled.”

The couple’s attorney is working on asylum for Bronova. Whether or not she receives it will determine if she gets to stay in the U.S.

KFOX14 has inquired with federal agents why Central American illegal aliens, many with criminal histories, were being granted entrance, while someone with no criminal history has been thrown into a maximum security prison. The feds demanded a privacy waiver from Bronova before answering. Although the news station secured the privacy waiver, federal officials have still not responded to the question.

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Contributed by Jennifer Burke of TPNN [4].

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