Author Topic: Megyn Kelly Takes Obama Spokeswoman to the Woodshed  (Read 419 times)

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Megyn Kelly Takes Obama Spokeswoman to the Woodshed
« on: June 25, 2014, 04:44:11 pm »

Megyn Kelly Takes Obama Spokeswoman to the Woodshed

Author:  Editor

Posted: June 25, 2014

Obama State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Marie Harf is earning the reputation of being just another hipster-glasses wearing paid liar from the Obama Administration. And she’s not very good at her job.

Marie’s appearance on Fox News with Megyn Kelly shows an amateur attempt to defend the crumbling of Iraq and the release of 5 top-level Taliban terrorist leaders. Apparently, she thought going on the “fair and balanced” network meant getting softball interview questions.

Kelly even gave Harf plenty of time to retract her implications that Bergdahl’s platoon members aren’t telling the truth… and Harf stumbled miserably.

Here is the transcript. How embarrassing!

KELLY: But the point is should we have been doing more? Because, has it slipped away? Have the gains that we achieved just a couple of years ago slipped away under President Obama?


HARF: Well, this is a very different threat that we’re looking at today than we’ve seen before in Iraq. It’s one that’s been growing certainly but to compare it to a few years ago just doesn’t hold up in terms of what we’ve seen in the threat that we see today. So, what were focus on.


KELLY: How so? How so, how so? Because, let me just refresh the viewers that it was just in January that this group took over Fallujah and started flying the al Qaeda flag and the president was asked about that and he told New York Magazine, I think it was, I have it here if we can put it on the board, he said — hold on a second I try to read it as they pop it out there. He talked about how they were JV — here it is. This is “the analogy we use around here sometimes and I think it’s accurate is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, it doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” Did he underestimate the threat?


HARF: Not at all. Look, this is a threat we’ve been talking to the Iraqis and other partners in the region about for months. We talked about it just last November before those comments you mentioned with Prime Minister Maliki when he was here. And that’s why we’ve been increasing supportive munitions, we’ve been increasing supportive.



MEGYN KELLY: Then why did President Obama referred them to JV?


MARIE HARF: Well, it’s a group that’s changing. The terrorist threat changes. Quite frankly, on a week by week and months by months basis.


KELLY: Oh, Marie, come on! In January they were JV and now that we’re in June there is this devastating terror group that’s basically taking over Iraq?


HARF: We have been very clear about this threat from ISIL for a long time. But we have seen them grow in strength, mostly because of the situation in Syria. They have been able to gain strength there. And unfortunately, what we’ve seen over the past few weeks is the Iraqi army surprised a lot of people and couldn’t stand up to the fight. So, what we’re focused on today as this threat has evolved over many months is.


KELLY: Particularly January to June. I mean, is that what you want the audience to believe? That in January they were JV as the president said, but in that period from January to June that’s when they became, I guess they’re varsity now.


HARF: Well, we were worried about this threat in January, too, Megyn. I don’t think that anyone should think we weren’t.

Kelly continues her tough questioning of Obama’s Harf, giving her ample opportunity to retract an earlier statement made by Harf at a press briefing, in which she implied that Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon members, who labeled him a deserter at best, and a traitor at worst, were liars. As usual, Harf avoids directly answering the question.

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Re: Megyn Kelly Takes Obama Spokeswoman to the Woodshed
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 06:19:35 pm »
FOX has needed Megyn Kelly to have her own show for a long time. She stands her ground and is prepared with facts. Unlike Hannity who seems to be the one put on the defensive more often than not - because he can't debate.
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Offline GourmetDan

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Re: Megyn Kelly Takes Obama Spokeswoman to the Woodshed
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2014, 06:24:37 pm »

Obama State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Marie Harf is earning the reputation of being just another hipster-glasses wearing paid liar from the Obama Administration. And she’s not very good at her job.

HARF: Not at all. Look, this is a threat we’ve been talking to the Iraqis and other partners in the region about for months. We talked about it just last November before those comments you mentioned with Prime Minister Maliki when he was here. And that’s why we’ve been increasing supportive munitions, we’ve been increasing supportive.

HARF: Well, we were worried about this threat in January, too, Megyn. I don’t think that anyone should think we weren’t.

Hey, we talked about this and worried about it for a long time.

What do you want?  A hashtag campaign?

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