Author Topic: Al Qaeda Recruits Gave Little Girls as “Gifts” to Terrorists  (Read 501 times)

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Al Qaeda Recruits Gave Little Girls as “Gifts” to Terrorists

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 21, 2014 @ 11:25 am In The Point | 13 Comments

What do you get the Al Qaeda terrorist who has all the RPGs and WMDs he can use? In Islam the answer is obvious.

“One of the forms of this violence is the forced marriage of up to 100 girls in the province of Abyan, attended by the heads and fighters of Ansar A Al Sharia,” the UN agency said, using a front name adopted by Al Qaida loyalists.

“Seven cases of forced marriage involving girls under 13 have been verified,” Unicef said.

In addition to that, “two girls were given as a gift” to members of the network by their brothers who had just joined the organisation.

Most of the girls married off to Al Qaida fighters were abandoned by their husbands when the army retook the area in June 2012, the report said.

Some of them had given birth, the report added.

And since we’re talking about Jihadists, it wasn’t just girls.

The United Nations children’s agency accused Yemen’s Al Qaida affiliate of sexually exploiting children, pointing to incidents in the south in 2012 in a report published Tuesday.

Both girls and boys had been “exposed to sexual violence in conflict situations in Yemen,” the report said.

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