Author Topic: Father of Former POW Says Taliban Now Knows We Have a Weak President  (Read 228 times)

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Father of Former POW Says Taliban Now Knows We Have a Weak President

Posted 2 hours ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Ethics, Military, National Security, Terrorism

Much is being written and reported about the recent prisoner swap between President Obama and the Taliban. I commented on it earlier this week, stating that Obama’s actions now threaten the lives of every American military personnel and civilian abroad.

Since my previous post, two things have come to my attention. One is that most reports indicate that when Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was captured five years ago that he left his post and walked off the base unarmed. Some members of his unit went so far as to question whether Bergdahl was really a prisoner or had willingly gone over to the Taliban.

When I heard that, it infuriated me even further to realize that President Obama traded five high ranking Taliban terrorists, with blood on their hands, for what appears to be a deserter or possibly a traitor. Then I realized that the Traitor-in-Chief would naturally release our enemies in trade for another suspected traitor or deserter.

I wondered what the parents of other captured American servicemen and women were thinking about the swap. Here locally, the parents and family of former Army Private First Class Matt Maupin anguished for four years before learning that the Taliban terrorists who captured their son had executed him.

Maupin was captured on April 9, 2004 when his fuel convoy was ambushed west of Baghdad. A week after his capture, a video was shown on Al-Jazeera of Maupin in his camo fatigues and hat surrounded by five armed masked terrorists. Then in June, Al-Jazeera aired another video of what appeared to be a US soldier being shot in the back of the head. That video was dark and very grainy and not enough detail could be gleaned from it to identify who the victim was, but the Maupin family refused to believe that it was their son Matt and held out hope that someday he would return.

I remember Matt’s father, Keith Maupin at the time saying that he expected the Army to bring his son home, dead or alive, but told them they better not leave him there in Iraq like they did so many young American men in Vietnam.

In 2008, Matt Maupin’s remains were found and returned home to his parents. His body was greeted locally as a fallen hero who sacrificed himself for his nation’s cause.

This week, Keith Maupin was interviewed by the local news and asked what he thought about Obama’s swap of five high ranking Taliban terrorists for Sgt. Bergdahl. Maupin told them:

"I'm glad Bowe's home, I really am."

Then he explained that he sees two controversies: Bergdahl reportedly walking away from his post and the swap itself:

"And if that is what he did he's no less than a deserter. I'm not saying that's what he did. If that is he's a deserter and don't need to be treated as a hero. I'm sorry."

"Not only is that not a good deal, it opened a door that probably can't be closed. Now the Taliban knows we have a President who is weak."

"As much as I truly wanted Matt to come home, he understood that they don't trade and we're not going to trade."

"I don't recall that ever being done and I understood that. It was weird but I understood that Matt's chances of coming home were slim to none."

Even the father of a soldier that was captured, held prisoner and then executed by the Taliban says Obama’s swap was a bad idea for several reasons. He didn’t expect it to happen for his son and doesn’t believe it should happen for anyone else’s son. It’s just a bad precedent to set that will only endanger more American lives. But then Obama doesn’t give a damn about the lives of Americans and never has.