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Obama and his Empire of Lies
« on: June 01, 2014, 12:12:34 pm »

Obama and his Empire of Lies

By David Whitley   / 31 May 2014   / 91 Comments   

President Obama announced Friday that embattled Veterans Affairs Secretary, Eric Shinseki, would resign his position -- effectively becoming the fall guy for a VA scandal that is quickly turning into a full blown political storm.  Shinseki, in his departure, said "I will not defend it, because it is indefensible."  Let's hope that came from the heart and was not simple political rhetoric.

No sooner did the news Shinseki had resigned his position at the VA did another resignation hit the airwaves, this time by the White House spokesperson Jay Carney.

Some say Mike Rowe has the dirtiest job in America.  Lying, day in and day out, is a pretty messy job too.  Unless of course you don't have a conscience, then it's just a really really cool job.

In the world of politics, internal bad news and personal apologies generally come on Friday.  It's a tactical play.  The vast majority of the American people are working, then looking forward to the weekend for relief, and not to what's on the news.

liarFriday is a slow news day, people are planning and packing and traveling on Friday.  Saturday and Sunday are all about fun and family.  The pundits and media and politicians all know this, and they use it to their advantage.  They bank on the fact that after a relaxing weekend, the bad news has fizzled from the small explosion on Friday to a smoldering page 3 story by Monday.  This allows those taking the heat to see the flames go out before they scorch any real political territory -- namely the President's back side.

The big question for me is whether or not White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is stepping down as the spokesman for President Obama to protect the President, or because he can no longer stomach being the Joseph Goebbels (Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945) of this Administration.

No doubt one of the toughest jobs in all of politics -- let alone Washington.  Lying to the American press and the American people not on a daily basis, but on an issue by issue basis, that has to wear a guy down.

Did Jay Carney, a media insider in his own right, (whose is married to Claire Shipman, a senior correspondent at ABC News) love the position as grand wizard of the drive by media?  No one can deny it's a powerful and important position.  Who wouldn't want to daily give the marching orders to the foot soldiers of liberalism, the American press?

On the other hand, perhaps things are changing and too many are asking tough questions rather than simply being the good flock and taking the talking points to the streets by turning them into news stories?

I can only imagine how stressful a job it must have been.  I think Jay has a little sliver of conscience left, although I imagine the rest is pretty calloused over or rotted through.  But somehow a little pr*ck must have gotten to what little tenderness was still exposed.  With the Obama White House scandal tally possibly surpassing that of former President Bill Clinton, I think Carney could take no more and still sleep at night.

clownWill Josh Earnest be as good and faithful a servant to the undermining of America?  Will Josh Earnest be more or less forthcoming with the truths of all these scandals?

President Obama says the buck stops with him.  That he takes full responsibility for all that goes on within his administration.  Let us see what the next few weeks brings.  If the past is any guide to the future, the President won't take any credit for anything bad and will do everything in his power to manipulate the press into believing he too, like all the veterans attempting to get VA services and those who have died, is also a victim.

Game over, Mr. President.  At the end of the day, when we tally up the score, life serves up very few victims.  Our veterans are surely victims of this administration and will always deserve the best we have to offer them (rather than wasting millions on soccer stadiums at Gitmo for the enemy jihadist they were once fighting).


But it does have scads of volunteers -- who refuse to see the signs or heed the warnings and walk into the buzz-saw of life, and then rely upon the compassion of others to pity them as victims.  But truth be told. The biggest victim over the past six years of this Presidency was the truth.

White House spokesman is no doubt a tough job, you must have a broad understanding of the administrations vision, current and past policy, as well as domestic and global issues.  But what makes it almost impossible to do over the long haul, is when you have to do it by lying to the American people day in and day out, then go home and look at yourself in the mirror.

Telling the truth should never be a difficult job.  It's high time Carney and his forked tongue hit the road.  With the high crimes and misdemeanors this administration has perpetrated against the American people (and most importantly their veterans), perhaps it's time Congress grew a spine and cranked up those impeachment proceedings and sent Barack packing a couple of years early … and six years too late.