Author Topic: The State of "Stupid" in Society Today  (Read 395 times)

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The State of "Stupid" in Society Today
« on: May 31, 2014, 01:38:31 pm »

The State of "Stupid" in Society Today

Fred DeRuvo 15 hours ago

Stupidity kills. I believe it and what I mean by that is not that stupidity necessarily physically kills (although it can cause that), but that stupidity destroys anything that even remotely appears to be common sense or, God forbid, intelligence.

There are so many people today we might call low information voters and the one thing they all have in common is the level of stupidity from which they operate. The saddest part is that these individuals don't mind sharing their low information attitudes because they truly think they are intelligent!

I offer as evidence a person on Twitter who compared Nicki Minaj to Martin Luther King, Jr. and guess who she decided was the better person to emulate? I'll let her own tweeted words speak for themselves. According to KeKe, Martin Luther King, Jr. was someone who couldn't stay out of prison. Nicki, on the other hand, has done more than MLK because Nicki has more Twitter followers and she's on the Forbes list. Oy. Let's not tell KeKe that Twitter wasn't around during MLK's lifetime. Let's also not wake her up to the reality that he was imprisoned because of his involvement in civil rights issues, something I'm sure neither KeKe nor Nicki know anything about.
keke1The plain truth is that stupidity is the norm for too many people. Is it any wonder that these individuals could care less what the Constitution says or that there are groups of people who want it to be followed to the letter?

People like KeKe are only concerned about themselves. To them, the reason that President Obama has a low approval rating is solely because he's (half) black and therefore white (racists) don't like him. It has nothing to do with his leftist, socialist policies that he is trying to implement throughout America on the taxpayer dime. In fact, even trying to explain this to someone like KeKe would result in blank stares and angry repudiation.

But American society is filled to overflowing with people who have no capacity to use any form of critical thinking skills, though I'm sure KeKe would deign to disagree with me. As far as she's concerned, she did use what she would call "thinking" to compare Nicki Minaj with MLK and MLK came out squarely on the wrong end of the comparison.

In other example of how stupid people are today, we need look no further than the matter of spree killings that take place too often in society. The latest of course was perpetrated by Eliot Rodgers, a child of one of Hollywood's own and who suffered from Asperger's Syndrome. After killing his three roommates with a knife, he then changed it up to using his expensive BMW to kill one more and injure another. Finally, he chose a 9mm SIG SAUER to kill a few more innocent people.

Three groups within the left blame either 1) misogyny, 2) white privilege, or 3) the NRA. The problem though is that they should be placing the blame where it actually belongs: on leftist ideology. It is very clear that these spree killers are almost always on the left. It's a fact that the left dutifully ignores because it doesn't fit their agenda. Instead, they have to immediately come out and find fault with other things that normally have no basis in fact, but sound good emotionally to other leftists.

To me, the fact that leftists are the main spree killing perpetrators speaks to the reality that maybe - just maybe - leftism is a true disease and the deeper one goes into that ideology, the more screwed up they become.

Stupid people aren't completely stupid. They lack native intelligence and want to do whatever they can to cover the truth (if they have enough sense to actually see it). Many on the left are quite intelligent, yet they fail to realize that people on the right are just as (if not more so) intelligent and can often easily see through their charades.

It turns out that, according to author Dave Gaubatz (Muslim Mafia), "a Muslim group said they were working with social media sites to delete accounts of users critical of Islam." Those social sites include Facebook and Twitter, allegedly. What was Facebook's response to the article? They blocked any and all links to that article, falsely claiming they did so because there was malicious code at the end of the link.

This is how ignorant the left is regardless of the IQ score. They actually think that - if true - the people at Facebook/Twitter are going to start deleting accounts of people who are critical of Islam without people knowing that's why their accounts are being shut down? Apparently, they think we're stupid and they also don't mind attacking the 1st Amendment...when it suits them.

Finally, one more example of leftist stupidity came to light with comments from Gwyneth Paltrow recently. She essentially compared negative comments on social network sites with being in an actual war, you know, with guns and ammo and soldiers. A Green Beret decided to at least try to set her straight, but no word on how that went.

Time and time again, the left proves how inefficient, uncaring, nonsensical, and just plain stupid most of them are, yet they have the nerve to believe that they are far more intelligent than anyone on the right. We've all heard the expression "Stupid is as stupid does" and in the case of leftists, it's so true that it hurts our heads at times. We cannot understand how a particular point of truth can be missed by them, yet it continues.

It's very much like when Sarah Silverman recently stated that babies are just "goo" and that aborting "it" does not take human life. Had she said that in front of me, I would have asked her when does it stop being goo, just before delivery, after delivery when the mother decides she'll keep it, or at some other point?

Stupid is as stupid does. That's the left in a nutshell. Thank you, Forrest Gump.



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Re: The State of "Stupid" in Society Today
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 03:59:37 pm »
who is Nicki Minaj?