Author Topic: Yet Another Obamacare Contractor Office Paid To Do Nothing  (Read 469 times)

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Yet Another Obamacare Contractor Office Paid To Do Nothing

Posted By Sarah Hurtubise On 5:46 PM 05/20/2014 In | No Comments

Employees of an Obamacare contractor in a fourth state have now stepped up to admit that they’re doing no work while being paid taxpayer dollars, according to Missouri’s KOLR.

Now Serco offices in Arkansas are being added to the list of states where Obamacare contractors are being paid to do nothing, including Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. (RELATED: Document Requests Stalled On Obamacare Contractor With No Work To Do)

Serco is an Obamacare contractor being paid over $1 billion to process any paper Obamacare applications.

Anonymous workers, who wished not to be named to avoid retribution, told Chris Nagus of KMOV in Missouri that they don’t have enough work to fill their time and are required to stay on the clock after work hours.

One worker said that he processed just 40 Obamacare coverage applications over six months, a similar situation to the Missouri office. A Missouri Serco employee named Lavonne quit her job with the company over frustration at the lack of work.

“I think for the entire month of December I processed six applications and that was pretty good,” Lavonne previously told Nagus.

In the Rogers, Arkansas office, workers are required to be on the clock, getting paid, but aren’t allowed to do any work. One worker told Nagus that employees aren’t allowed to make any outbound calls after 9 p.m. — but are required to stay on the clock until midnight.

“So why even be there until midnight,” Nagus asked the anonymous employee.

“I don’t know,” the worker responded. “Good question.”

“So they make the calls stop at 9, so from 9 to midnight are the callers kind of bored?” Nagus asked.

“Yeah, there’s nothing going on,” the worker concluded. But the employees are required to stay for the entire shift.

Even worse, the Rogers, Arkansas office is still hiring.

Watch the video report here.

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