Author Topic: Holder Demands DEA Chief Support Obama’s Pro-Drug Dealer Policies  (Read 304 times)

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Holder Demands DEA Chief Support Obama’s Pro-Drug Dealer Policies

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 16, 2014 @ 10:56 am In The Point | 1 Comment

Obama is going all in for drug dealers. As a former cokehead who discussed considering trying heroin, it’s not surprising. But a lot of prosecutors and people in the DEA are unhappy with his pro-drug dealer agenda.

Holder, citing Commission statistics, endorsed the plan, saying that the change would affect some 70 percent of those incarcerated for trafficking and, on average, cut their sentences by 11 months – some 18 percent of their prison terms.

Thursday’s testimony is not the first time that Holder has supported drug sentencing reform. In August, Holder launched the “Smart on Crime” initiative, which seeks to “reserve strict, mandatory minimum sentences for high-level or violent drug traffickers,” a statement on his website says.

Federal prosecutors are unhappy with Obama and Holder’s pro-drug dealer policies.

In a sharply worded letter to Holder, the National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys wrote “we consider the current federal mandatory minimum sentence framework as well-constructed and well worth preserving.”

One federal prosecutor who spoke to Fox News on condition of anonymity said if the Smarter Sentencing Act passes, incarceration rates may go down, but drug crimes will go up because dealers won’t feel compelled to cooperate.

“Now that we have crime under control, this bill would see drug crime surge all over again,” the source said, calling the bill a “terrible idea.”

And the DEA Chief is also unhappy with the Obama drug dealer friendly agenda.

DEA chief Michele Leonhart has taken public stands in recent months against the administration’s rhetoric on marijuana legalization as well as efforts by the White House and the Justice Department to ease punshiments for those covicted of federal drug crimes.

HuffPo’s Ryan Reilly and Ryan Grim report that Leonhart was “called in” by Holder for a “one [on] one chat about her recent insubordination.” Leonhart seems to have gotten the message. Here more from their story:

Justice Department concerns about Leonhart were heightened when, after her testimony, a DEA spokeswoman would not say whether Leonhart endorsed changes mandatory minimums.

The DEA sent The Huffington Post a follow-up statement a week after the first, expressing Leonhart’s public support for reforms made by Holder that rolled back the deployment of harsh mandatory minimum sentences against certain drug offenders.

The HuffPo piece being quoted is predictably a pro-Obama screed that never even uses the word drug dealer and misrepresents Obama and Holder’s pro-drug dealer policies. But the whole thing is only another brick in the wall of Obama’s lawlessness.


Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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Didn't Holder and Obama tell prosecutors they didn't have to prosecute laws they didn't like?  Now this?  I think democratic leaders are speaking out of  both sides of their mouths. :thumbsdown: