Author Topic: Conservative destroys Fox News' Juna Williams and unmasks the common core  (Read 426 times)

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Conservative Destroys Fox News’ Juan Williams and Unmasks the Common Core

By Onan Coca   / 12 May 2014   / 333 Comments   

Juan Williams is a liberal. He may work for Fox News (and be hated by other liberals because of it) but he is a down the line, mainstream liberal. Williams, like most liberals in the media, has been stumping for the Common Core since its inception and is still a fan of the massive government takeover, even as we see it failing around the country. Recently on Fox News he had the misfortune of running into the buzz saw that is the brilliant George Will – and Will set him straight on the Common Core.

Listen closely to Will’s argument because it is damning… and it is 100% accurate.

Juan Williams: And, I don’t think it’s out of place for our governors, for our school leaders, local school leaders, to say, ‘Here are the common standards that we want them to achieve.

The military’s on board, the Chamber of Commerce is on board, even Condoleezza Rice and the Council of Foreign Affairs are on board.

George Will: They’re all wrong, and here’s why.

The advocates of the Common Core say, “If you like local control over your schools, you can keep it. Period. If you like your local curriculum, you can keep it. Period.” And people don’t believe them, for very good reasons.

This is a thin end of an enormous wedge of federal power that will be wielded for the constant progressive purpose of concentrating power in Washington, so that it can impose continental solutions to problems nationwide.

You (common core supporters) say it’s voluntary. It has been driven by the (federal government’s) use of bribes and coercion in the form of waivers from No Child Left Behind or Race to the Top money – to buy the compliance of these 45 states, two of which – Indiana, and I believe, Oklahoma – have already backed out, and they will not be the last.

louisck common coreWatch the verb align in this argument. They’re going to align the SAT and the ACT tests with the curriculum. They’re going to align the textbooks with the tests. And sooner or later, you inevitably have a national curriculum that disregards the creativity of federalism.

What are the chances that we’re going to have five or six creative governors experimenting with different curricula, or one creative, constant, permanent Washington bureaucracy overlooking our education?

We’ve had 50 years now of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act – 50 years of federal involvement that has coincided with stagnation in test scores across the country.


That’s exactly the point. As innocuous as the Common Core may look to some... As beneficial as the standardizing of national curricula may seem to some…

The endgame of Common Core is a Federal takeover of the entire education system across the country. It is simply more consolidating of power. The Common Core is to education what Obamacare is to healthcare.

It’s all about centralizing power in Washington, D.C.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 01:24:54 pm by rangerrebew »