Author Topic: PETA getting tons of calls BLM cattle sluaghter at Bundy Ranch  (Read 285 times)

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PETA getting a ‘ton of calls’ about BLM cattle slaughter at #BundyRanch
By Renee Nal on April 20, 2014 at 7:27 pm 

PETA has been getting a “ton of calls” about the slaughter of cattle perpetrated by the federal government on Clivan Bundy’s Nevada ranch.

A PETA representative told a person who posted the exchange on YouTube (around the 9:30 minute mark) that she has to check with the investigations department, but repeatedly said that they were being swarmed by callers.

On April 17, PETA released a short statement on the matter, saying:

“These animals shouldn’t be killed either by the government, or by the rancher who plans to send the cows off to slaughter. The best thing anyone can do to stop the suffering of animals is to go vegan.”

The statement was not exactly compelling.

PETA also responded to a critic on Twitter:

Despite the meme pushed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the only violence that stemmed from the protests at the Bundy ranch was when armed agents tazed Cliven Bundy’s son, and shot and killed at least two bulls, as reported at Liberty Unyielding. Brandon Rapolla posted a video clearly showing a dead bull, who had been shot between the eyes:

The Bundy family has been posting updates on Facebook, and several photos show the family retrieving dead cattle.

One post explains,

“Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot…”

Assembly woman Michele Fiore also posted photos on Twitter:

In a must-see interview with Assembly woman Michele Fiore, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes shrugged off the cattle slaughter, saying “What was going to happen to those cows later on…?” Fiore responded, “So are you saying it’s okay to cruelly slaughter them because they’re going to be… they are raised for beef…?” She continued, “I hope you retract those words…” Hayes responded, “No, no…Don’t put words in my mouth…”