Author Topic: Five Acting Roles Mary Landrieu Could Have Rocked  (Read 565 times)

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Offline happyg

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Five Acting Roles Mary Landrieu Could Have Rocked
« on: April 16, 2014, 02:57:30 pm »

Did Mary Landrieu's new ad seem a bit fishy to you?

 You may have wondered why you never saw this "television" clip above. That's because it was fake.

 Mary Landrieu decided it would be best to show how hard she was fighting for Louisiana families by acting out a committee hearing.

 I'm not joking. Everything was "hilariously" recreated. Even Landrieu's dramatic reading was redone to show her so-called outrage.

 But what you haven't heard today is that this isn't Mary Landrieu's first time trying her hand in the acting game. Check out the five performances you may have missed over the years:

A Few Good Actors
Mary Landrieu Can't Handle the Truth, at least not according to a recent WaPo Fact Check of Harry Reid Majority PAC television ad run on her behalf.

Election 2014

Vote for Mary! A 17 year record of lying to constituents.

Legally DC

This actually happened in real life.

Swamp Wars

The Force isn't with the Jedi Mary Landrieu, who has voted with President Obama 97% of the time while representing a state where his approval rating is in the low thirties.

No Good Will Landrieu

Mary Landrieu used her position in the Senate to help super lobbyists like Tony Podesta and her husband get rich in Washington, losing all good will from the folks in Louisiana.

 Louisianans are seeing through Mary Landrieu's full-time role as a moderate Senator. After November, someone will need to get her a SAG Card for her performance.

Offline PzLdr

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Re: Five Acting Roles Mary Landrieu Could Have Rocked
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 09:09:53 pm »
They left out starring in ABNY Porky Pig cartoon.
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