Author Topic: UN appoints muslim OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) chair to investigate Israel  (Read 375 times)

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UN Appoints Muslim OIC Chair to Investigate Israel

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 27, 2014 @ 4:58 pm In The Point | No Comments

I can’t imagine what his findings will be.

According to an exclusive report by the Geneva-based UN Watch monitoring group, diplomats report that the UN Human Rights Council president, under intense lobbying from Arab states, is planning to reject a U.S. academic who was vetted to become the next human rights monitor for the Palestinian territories, and instead give the high-level post this Friday to Indonesia’s former UN ambassador, Makarim Wibisono.

Despite a unanimous recommendation submitted to the president by the UNHRC’s 5-member vetting committee, Arab states have threatened to veto the appointment of Georgetown University law school lecturer Christina Cerna.

“The real issue is not the nominees, but the biased position itself,” said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer. “This is the only council mandate that requires the examination not of a given region but of only one side, with the specific instruction to investigate ‘Israel’s violations of international law’ in the territories, while completely disregarding human rights abuses against women, Christians, and dissidents that are being committed by Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad or others.”

At the same time, UN Watch expressed “serious questions” about Wibisono’s satisfaction of the post’s objectivity requirement.

In addition to representing a government that rejects any official diplomatic relations with Israel, Wibisono went to Gaza in 2010 to meet with the leader of the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist organization.

He has accused Israel of “unconscionable use of force against the Palestinians,” “untenable acts of aggression,” and of having a “policy of retribution against the entire Palestinian nation.”

Wibisono has referred to the “stark and brutal nature of the policies pursued by the occupying power,” accused Israel of being “the aggressor and the perpetrator of wanton violence,” and repeatedly minimized Israeli suffering, speaking of “the handful of Israelis who have died,” and of Israel’s battle with rocket and other terrorist attacks as a “flimsy pretext.”

Wibisono openly embraces what he calls the “sacred Palestinian cause.”

So he can be counted to be impartial.

When we last encountered Makarim Wibisono, he was chairing an OIC session to fight defamation of Islam.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights called on Tuesday for combating defamation of religions, especially Islam, and condemned discrimination against Muslims in the West’s war on terrorism.

The 53-member state forum adopted a resolution, presented by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), deploring the intensification of a “campaign of defamation” against Muslims following the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.

The OIC resolution was adopted by a vote of 31 countries in favor and 16 against, with five abstentions and one delegation absent, Indonesia’s ambassador Makarim Wibisono, who chairs the annual six-week session, announced after the public vote.

He also played a role at Durban.


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